Immigration refers to the permanent shift of residence to a different state. In the United States of America the question of immigration is complex and delicate having assumed political, legal and economic characters. Currently, the incumbency has been grappling with legislation intended to provide order and tackle the attendant consequences related to immigration. It should be appreciated that immigration assumes two facets, that is, legal and illegal immigration. This paper would canvass the discourse on immigration with a bias on immigration by Latinos and Asians.
Perhaps an exposition on the motives of immigrants is essential at this time. Migrants are often motivated by the economic opportunities, the rule of law and political stability and the need to evade political, economic or social persecution in their native countries. Often they resort to illegal means once they fail to secure legal entry through the provided visas and petitions. Migration is motivated and encouraged by the pursuit of economic, social and political liberties. Some of these migrants hail from countries where the political instability reigns supreme. In addition, the disregard of the rule of law and the attendant social disorder fuels the urge and need to seek to live in the land of opportunities that is America. Almost all immigrants come into America believing that they shall benefit from the American dream.
For the migrants who come in legally, life in America is often fair and enjoyable. The departments of Justice and Immigration often register and documents information about them giving them legal certification. However, the illegal migrants do not receive the certification and any documentation. This places the latter in a risky position as due to lack of documentation, any identification or discovery by the authorities will lead to deportation. In addition, the illegal migrants are not legally allowed to enjoy the benefits conferred on the citizenry by the government. This introduces legal crises as they are not allowed to work, school, and or participate in any processes in America. This has often introduced conflicts in relation to human rights and freedoms, the practicality of the law and the American societal responsiveness. The problems have lately taken a political tone with the incumbency advocating for the retention of immigrants and their documentation. Whether the government is able to address the question of migrants is debatable. However, it is my contention that with rigid regime, the question of immigration would be put to rest by government.
Homeland Security Department. (2012, September 12). Immigration Enforcement . Retrieved January 6, 2013, from Homeland security: