Inclusion of children with special needs
Over the past two centuries, there has been an incredible growth and development in education, and this has, particularly, been the case in childhood education. This is due to the fact that the education stakeholders have been in good positions to not only develop the quality of education, but also the strategies through which education will be promoted. One of the most essential things to note in this case, for example, include the fact that education has incredibly advanced in the past two centuries, in terms of delivery and consideration. Children with special needs, for example, have been one of the parties whereby education has been considered, and the education stakeholders have developed necessary strategies that will ensure that effective education in terms of quality is promoted among them. At the same time, equity has been a major area of concern, whereby the education stakeholders have been playing their roles in ensuring that the children with disabilities are equally treated as the abled ones. As a result, the education system has introduced inclusion, which is the strategy through which the students and children facing various challenges and with disabilities are partially or fully let to integrate with their education colleagues who do not have any disabilities. This has been a strategy that has been adopted for a long time now, and that have been playing a major role in ensuring that the children with disabilities are exposed to the same environment and education settings as their counterparts. This is necessary, since it will assist in ensuring that they are able to adapt to the life system, which does not define the differences between the people with disabilities, and those that don’t. In this case, therefore, this implementation plan will be based a policy whereby quality education is provided to children, based on respect and dignified respect for each and every child, irrespective of their physical abilities, or lack of the same.
Importance of inclusion of children with special needs
Inclusion has played various other roles in the education system, since integrating the disabled or partially disabled students with the fit ones plays a major role in ensuring that they are able to develop just as the other students, and also learn from them considering the fact that each of the students is exposed to his or her own challenges. This does not only aid in educating the students, but also assisting them to cope with the situations to which they are exposed. For instance, by integrating the students, one of the achievements that come with it is the fact that they are in a better position to grow intellectually.
Secondly, at the same time, when they are exposed to similar challenges and opportunities, the disabled students will develop intellectually, for example by boosting their self-esteem and interaction with the other students at a tender age. This is unlike cases whereby the disabled and partially disabled students are confined in their own schools and systems of education, which will make them feel inferior and not a part of the mainstream system of education and other opportunities, such as their careers.
Thirdly, it is necessary to note the fact that inclusion plays a major role in providing the students facing disabilities with a stimulating environment, for their education and learning. This is not only due to the fact that they will develop a sense of belonging in the other students’ learning and education setting, but also based on the fact that they will be in a position to understand the normal circumstances under which they will be exposed after they are done with their education. This is one of the most essential aspects that the education stakeholders have put into consideration, in ensuring that the students and children with special needs are exposed to equal and similar circumstances and environment as their normal counterparts.
Fourthly, the education stakeholders have found it necessary to implement inclusion, particularly in early childhood education and elementary levels. This is due to the fact that this is the stage where children develop their intellectual skills, as well as their social skills. At the same time, it is at this point whereby they are prone to other challenges, such as discrimination, which might affect their self-esteem. In this case, therefore, inclusion will assist the students and the children, alike, to integrate with the other children who do not have physical challenges and this will assist them in developing social skills, such as communication, making friends, self-expression and communication among others, all which are necessary for the children’s education and upbringing.
At the same time, inclusion, especially between the fit students and the partially abled students provides a wide platform for the development of self-awareness, as well as self-respect. This is due to the fact that comparison between self and other students for both cases will play a major role in not only assisting the students to identify their strengths and weaknesses, but also appreciating what they can do, as well as what they can’t. In such a case, therefore, the students develop self-respect, as well as acceptance of their state at an early age. When this is introduced in early childhood education, for example, it becomes easy for the students to cope with their physical situations and challenges, and accept themselves from an early age. Educational research has shown that this plays a major role in promoting self-acceptance, which has been lacking in most cases, in cases whereby inclusion was not implemented and students were educated in schools and institutions that solely cater for the normal students or students with disabilities, exclusively.
Accessibility and equity in inclusion application
One of the most essential aspects to note in inclusion of the partially abled and the abled students in inclusion and the establishment of a common education system is the fact that there should be equity in the provision of resources, as well as the knowledge and skill. At the same time, these resources and aspects should be available and accessible for all students, irrespective of whether or not they are abled. In order to achieve this, therefore, it will be necessary to liaise and work with all the education stakeholders, and these include the government, the education management team (such as the teachers and the tutors), parents and the students themselves.
In this case, for example, it will be necessary to identify the specific resources that each and every student will need, as well as how it will be applied, in order to boost their education and their intellectual growth, as well. It will also be necessary to ensure that all the needs of the students are met, whereby each of the students, irrespective of whether they face disabilities or not, effectively acquire quality education. The same will be considered even in their co-curricular activities. This is where games and sports will have to incorporate the needs of each of the students, in accordance with their ability. In this case, therefore, the teachers, parents as well as the school management will have to work hand in hand, in ensuring that they offer quality education to both the abled and the partially abled students, and also make sure that both equally benefit from the system of education. In cases of severe disability, partial inclusion will be necessary. This will ensure that as much as the students are interacting with each other and developing their intellectual selves, they also maximize on their education, by the quality of education hat they receive. In such a case, therefore, the students can use separate classes prepared to suit their conditions and abilities, but the same school or educational institution, for interaction purposes.
Strategies to apply for successful inclusion
In order to achieve successful inclusion, one of the factors to note in this case includes the fact that it will be necessary to support and collaborate with the families of the students concerning inclusion. For instance, it will be necessary to ensure that I explain to them the essentiality of the strategy, and why it will be necessary to have their partially disabled children integrating and schooling with other students who do not face similar challenges. This is due to the fact that some of the parents believe that successful education of their disabled children is fully dependent on special schools. In this case, however, it will be necessary to point out for them concerning the students’ intellectual growth, as well as the interactive aspect of learning.
In my strategy, therefore, it will be necessary to focus on both the academics, as well as their extra-curricular activities, such as games and sports. This is necessary based on the fact that the students should develop their academic and intellectual skills simultaneously. This aids in their interactive growth, as well as boosting their knowledge and education. In my strategy, therefore, I will consider reading and studying material, as well as teachers and tutors who will be in a good position to handle all the students, even with their challenges or inabilities. In cases where the students with disabilities cannot effectively learn together with the others, it will be necessary to have a special forum for them such as their own classes. This will, for example, apply in cases of blindness, whereby the students will require special classes for their learning. However, integration should be common, whereby they can interact with the other students, for instance, during recess. This will be necessary, because it will ensure that they learn from each other, and develop their intellectual skills.
Development of positive attitude
In conclusion, it will be necessary to ensure that all the parties involved in the education system of the children maintain a positive attitude towards each other, particularly, the children with disabilities. This will be achieved by making sure that the service providers (whom in this case include the teachers) carry out their roles based on humanity and respect for all students. By so doing, the same will be reflected to their students, and it will be necessary for them to uphold the same approach and encourage all the students to treat each other with love, respect and dignity. This will not only provide a system through which each party respects the other, but also provide an effective and conducive learning environment for all the students.