Information in Kuali Foundation
With open source systems and the need to share information by organizations with common interests, the use of Kuali Foundation is an example of a system which has found wide acceptance and use. It has a lot of data that are used by the different users who are using the system. Horizontal information flow is information that is exchanged by departments and users who are working on the same data. In the system, the horizontal data can be seen to be that data which is exchanged in the transfer funds function that is found within the system. Other examples are that of search results that are returned by the system when a particular entry is required for the system. There are some fields which require specific data which have to be fetched from a given location.
Vertical information flow is informational which flows from users to the top management. This information is mostly found under the reports section, this is because it is the junior staff that will send reports to the top management. They will want to summarize information so that the senior staff will know what is going on. They therefore prepare reports that will be used by eth senior staff and other management and users in the same caliber.
Downward information flow is the flow of information from top to the bottom. This is information flow from senior management and executive to the subordinate. An example in the Kuali Foundation is that of chart of accounts. These are used by the management. Another issue is accounts that are meant for salary adjustments. It is only the management who can adjust the salary of the junior employees. For this reason, they are the only people responsible for working on the logistics of salary increments and advise the accountants and the human resource manager on the same issues.
Inward-outward information flow is that information which are retrieved and also those which are entered to the system. In the Kuali System, one example of inward-outward information is that of search information. This information is retrieved from the system so that it can be used by the technicians. Another example of inward/outward information flow is that of entering new project code in the system. When someone is creating a new project, they are adding a new project name and in so doing to the system from the outside. This is because initially there was no such information in the system before and they have been added now. This is information from the outside.
Type of information
The data that is found in the Kuali Foundation is that of general ledger transactions and they belong to universities, colleges and commercial institutions. They are being updated by accountants and reviewed by the senior management. The users are also interested with the information and they are posted so that they can be perused by the stakeholders and the users. These are the general data that regard ledger accounts that are used by the accountants and information users. The data are used to manage cash flow in any given organization that has joined this foundation. Any error made will affect the other transactions and ledgers.
Hilbers, P. C., & Jones, M. (2004). Stress testing financial systems. New York: International Monetory Fund.
Neave, E. (1998). Financial systems: Principles and organisation . New York: Routledge.
Neave, E. (2009). Modern financial systems: Theory and applications. London: John Wiley and Sons.