The paper will present the self-assessment done based on the Fielder model and answer the required questions about his model and about the future of my leadership. Based on the self-assessment and determination of my Fiedler least preferred coworker scale – LPC the results showed high score, which means I have been determined as a relationship-oriented leader. I have a high people leadership style 7 and also scored a 7 in task leadership style. I have seen the LPC more positively. The assessment is right since in most of the times I am very good at managing conflicts and avoiding them. I enjoy working with people and I am more people than task oriented person and leader. I can make complex decision based on the knowledge and observation, and by talking and clarifying with the individuals involved. I pay attention to the coworkers and can use their opinion in a positive way. It is important to have a good relationship with the employees as well as carrying out the specific tasks which can be better done with having the holistic picture of all people involved. I have learned that assessment is showing one of my most important characteristics as a leader and I can have a good relationship with the members and can work in a structure way in order to carry out the job with the mutual understanding and cooperation. I have a good relationship based on the confidence with structural tasks. I can also assign jobs since I know coworkers and can give corresponding awards for the work (Acuah and Lussier, Chapter 4).
I do not totally agree with the Fiedler’s belief that people have one dominant leadership style. I believe there is always one specific style of a leader, but I believe the styles can change. The leader can have his core basic style, but the carrying out the tasks and leading will definitely depend on the specific situation. In the Fiedler’s model, there is no flexibility, since he assumes that the leadership styles are fixed and that the leaders cannot change. In this segment I do not agree with his contingency leadership model. Leaders are working with different people and have different relations and tasks and positions to carry out and that is why the leadership styles in my opinion are flexible. I do not believe there is a need to change a leader since leader style can be adaptable to the specific situation. I also believe that this model is not definitely the best way to measure the leadership capability and capacity. The least preferred co-worker is the variable that impacts the capability of the leader in this model. Since the people are very different and is therefore hard to make assumptions solely on the assessment of the co-worker, which is the determination of the leadership style in this self-assessment taken. Being a leader means you have to work with a vast specter of different individuals where each has their own preference, values, beliefs and characteristics. I am a people orientated but when necessary I can change and focus on sole tasks which need to be carried out. I believe the leadership styles are changeable and adaptable to the given situations (Acuah and Lussier, Chapter 4).
In my career, I want to be a type of leader that can influence coworkers and inspire and motivate them in order for them to carry out the job. I want my leadership style to be appropriate for specific situations and not static and inflexible. I want to have the ability and knowledge to carry out the leading successfully which could contribute to my professionalism. Good relationships among the coworkers are very important and that is I why the cooperation would be the core of my leadership. I would avoid making friends with the coworkers since I believe the leader and employee must have a professional relationship based on the cooperation. I would imply the friendly behavior with limits that would not exceed professional level. I would have the authority and respect based on the cooperation and mutual understanding and learning from different perspectives. I would use specific behaviors from various different leadership styles and adapted them based on the situation. My leadership behavior would involve listening, cooperating, motivating, given instructions and support and give clear instructions towards achieving the desired goals (Acuah and Lussier, Chapter 4).
Work cited
Acuha, F. Christopher, Lussier, N. Robert. Leadership: Theory, Application, and Skill Development. Mason : Cengage, 2013.