The imperial rule in China was a proclamation from the leaders, who wanted to establish good trade relationship with the foreign nations like the Great Britain and India. During the reign of emperor leadership of Qing officials, there was relevantly true that the dynasty was in unstable position. In retrospect, the Qing dynasty was the last imperial reign of China that existed for almost three centuries (Da-dui 2). The links that China established with India and Britain was quite lucrative with these nations, thereby making them more attached to it. This is what led to the feeling of maintaining China an economic hub for these nations for their economic achievements. During the Qianlong leadership, there was tremendous population growth, yet less revenue collection in the region. On the other hand, there was too much corruption. As a result, there were too many disagreements between the public and the leadership. In reality, any nation that remains unstable can easily fall weak for the control by other foreign stable powers.
Moreover, the signing of the treaties led to economic and administrative transition from the original realm to the new paradigm. There were changes in the mode of elections and educational management (Da-dui 2). These reforms came up with the antidotes that the populace could not c comprehend, leading to yet other uprisings. These disagreements and wars led to the total foreign conquest of China. During the Qianlong leadership, there was tremendous population growth, yet less revenue collection in the region. On the other hand, there was too much corruption. As a result, there were too many disagreements between the public and the leadership. Furthermore, during the period of imperial control of China, the communities became divided according to economic classes where the upper class became so powerful than the lower class. The upper class was collaborating with the government to exploit the lower class. This was vehemently against the traditional structure of the communities where people were doing things in communal organizations.
Initially, people of China depended on farming as the chief economic activity. However, the coming of the imperial rule in the land put more emphasis on trade. This move created more stiffs among the people, who were initially living together without any division whatsoever (Zheng 1). In fact, with the new paradigm of economic direction, the dynasty focused too much attention on trade. Many foreign investors visited the region for trading purposes and later sought positions min the nation. For example, the European merchants from Japan could act as intermediaries in the trading process. In this precept, trade in China became more dominated with these foreigners than the locals themselves (Kerr 6). A kind of foreign relations that was only directed to benefit a specific group led to social unrest in the dynasty. In fact, from the statements in the edicts, the treaties only focused on addressing the leaders but did very little min caring for the general folks’ welfare,
Besides, the period experienced disastrous moments from natural calamities like earthquakes, climatic conditions, plagues and internal rebellions. Many people died because of these circumstances. In reality, the coming of the foreign control in the region did much harm than good. For instance, the foreign powers scrambled to have autonomous control of the region leading to many destructions. For example, Japanese tried to wage war with the Chines in order to install their control in the region. Even though they failed, the war was so costly both to them and to the chines government (Zheng 1). These disagreements and wars led to the total foreign conquest of China. During the Qianlong leadership, there was tremendous population growth, yet less revenue collection in the region. . There was new feature in every segment of life. For instance, the economy saw a new revolution. This demonstrates clearly that there were so many atrocities during this time that the locals could not smile about. It would have been better if this new move spreads its benefits across the region squarely. It is a common phenomenon for the leaders to engage on foreign agreements claiming to represent the will of the people at heart, yet pursuing their own interests.
In addition, the Ming Kingdom appeared to have continued with the culture similar to the Yuan and Song Empires. However, the empire took much of reflection from the western ways including religion and technology. Its justice system was also influence with the western thinking (Da-dui 7). Meaning, the land had to realize a new religion, social construction and influence. During the same time, there were the religious reforms in Catholicism. A group of elites was travelling all over the world to influence the changes in almost every part of the world. The Jesuits as they were called travelled to Asian continent, spreading some of their impacts to the Ming Empire. During this time, the culture of the Ming Empire changed, and even their ways of understanding was a reflection of what the Jesuits proposed. When the Jesuits went to Beijing, there were many converts, making the region popularly known for Catholic religion. Consequently, the Jesuits, Franciscans, and others imparted the understanding about Europe culture and Western skills. They went ahead and acquaint the people in the region with the East and its philosophy, and made the catholic the religion of the empire. This means that the culture of the Ming became very different from what it was before.
Moreover, it is worth noting that around the period of 20th century, there were mass civil ills that dominated the whole region of china. The government felt to do much endeavours to restore peace in the region. In other arguments, the social unrest might had been the reasons why the edicts were created. On the other hand, the edicts might have led to the social unrest. Therefore, the leaders had to be very keen and critical in making any decision that engages the welfare of the public. The experience of China has a lot to desire, and other governments can learn much from the same. These disagreements and wars led to the total foreign conquest of China. During the Qianlong leadership, there was tremendous population growth, yet less revenue collection in the region. There was new feature in every segment of life. For instance, the economy saw a new rebellion. In fact, the government has a fundamental role to play in establishing peace in the society, an action that demands critical thinking before making any step, since the few people chosen to stand in the gap of leadership represent the wills of the people.
In conclusion, the links that China established with the foreign world was rather rewarding most so to these foreign nations, thus making them more devoted to it. It is worth confirming that this is what led to the feeling of maintaining China an economic hub for these nations for their economic achievements. These restructurings came up with the remedies that the populace could not comprehend, leading to yet other uprisings. The communities realize division according to economic classes, where the upper class became so powerful than the lower class. These disagreements and wars led to the total foreign conquest of China. During the Qianlong leadership, there was tremendous population growth, yet less revenue collection in the region. . There was new feature in every segment of life. For instance, the economy saw a new revolution. Besides farming, people were striving to adopt trade, which was marred with class strafes. The wealthy wanted to manipulate the poor in order to grow richer. In fact, it became something that created enmity among the people who once lived together in peace. Moreover, there was change in the social dimension. On the other hand, there was too much corruption. As a result, there were too many disagreements between the public and the leadership. In fact, the government has a fundamental role to play in establishing peace in the society, an action that demands critical thinking before making any step, since the few people chosen to stand in the gap of leadership represent the wills of the people. These new changes were never accommodative to the people.
Works Cited
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