Interactive Digital Television
For many years television has become a part of everyone’s life. Traditional broadcast currently have to deal with networked television capabilities known as ‘over the top” and also their viewers way of using them. This talk intends to research on the various aspects of technologies which are part of the revolution in television as the first aspect and the work of engineering required in that certain area. Some of the technologies which are known to be involved in television are network infrastructure, imaging, pattern recognition, software engineering, graphic design, systems engineering and project management. The second aspect of this project is to relate the technologies in television on how IEEE can come into clutch with these areas. Digital television technology development has given individuals a drastic opportunity to make television’s role as a delivery channel. Some of the major services which have added value to the infrastructures of digital television include e-government-health and e-commerce. These are changes which have challenged many companies to create and develop strategies which will meet the treats and opportunities of the client environment.
Smart televisions and set top boxes have allowed more and easier web like interactions which have enabled greater communication skills and advancement. Digital television has also improved advertisement for organizations and has also become very effective in terms of reminding customers about various products and services thus improving interaction through games, videos and others. Interactive digital technology has also effectively been able to organize information, integrate social networks, provide second screens and target advertising. Some of the social networks which have been integrated include twitter, face book, foursquare and tumbir.
Arthur Lugmayr, S. N. (2004). Digital Interactive TV and Metadata: Future Broadcast Multimedia. New York: Springer.
Lekakos, G., & Chorianopoalos, C. (2007). Interactive Digital Television: Technologies and Applications. London: Idea Group Inc.