In the question as to whether the US government should prohibit trade with countries that have poor records on human rights, it becomes apparent from the numerous research materials reviewed that indeed, trade barriers should be put in place, where a country fails to honour its human rights. Although no particular country in the world has a completely clean record on human rights, there are countries that have evidently crossed the line between the imperfect, but allowable human rights and the gross disrespect to human rights that can end up classifying the country as a ‘no go zone’ (Abbott, 2006, p.17), for example, the case of countries such as Somalia. The targeted audience for this topic is the government itself and the multinational corporations that may desire to expand their business to other countries since they have to put into consideration the record of the host country in regard to human rights. Thesis Statement: While the adoption of economic sanctions does not provide the perfect policy tools, it, however, provides the means to punish and ultimately isolate inhumane regimes.
I have selected the topic that all students be required to take four years of foreign languages in high school because this is one of the most beneficial approaches adopted by the curriculum that ultimately endows the student with real-life skills that they can use in the world. Since The US is not just an English speaking country, there are some times when there comes the need to accomplish various daily tasks or even communicate with other people where a different language might be involved. The audience for this research topic will be the critics who have vehemently opposed this move. In fact, it would be a disadvantage to our children if they do not make efforts to learn second languages because other high school children from other abroad countries are already conversant with more than one language. My research paper intends to expound on this topic of study. Thesis Statement: with the rapid pace at which the world is becoming a global village, learning a second language would be of great benefit in enhancing communication.
In regard to the research topic that all the states should require that the motorcyclists and passengers to wear helmets, this topic is of great concern because it is solely meant to save lives. My argument would be that it should be adopted as a basic requirement by all states that the motorcyclist and the passengers should wear helmets because in case of an accident, the lack of a helmet could lead to incorrigible damage or even death of the individuals associated. Currently, only half all the states in the United States have in place the Helmet law, therefore, it becomes imperative that this issue needs to be further looked into. This is because, in case of a fatal accident, the cyclist and the passenger are at a very high risk of losing their lives if they had not put on their helmet (Zhou, 2014, p.231). The targeted audience by this research topic is to all the motorcyclists and citizens in general who uses this form of transport. Thesis Statement: No matter how experienced a rider is, accidents are unforeseen, therefore, all states should enact the helmet law so as to save people from future grief related to motorcycle fall.
The research topic selected for this paper is “should all U. S students be required to take four years of foreign language in high school?” I opted to focus on this topic because I feel that it is a matter of urgency, and that it should be tackled faster than the pace at which globalisation is taking place. Another reason which made this topic my most preferred topic of research, is because I find it very lazy for Americans to just sit and let other nations learn their language but do not make any effort to also learn other people’s languages and cultures from different nations (Johanningmeier, 2009). Thesis: For a long time, America has demanded foreigners to learn English, it will be a form of respect to other nations and their culture if it also strives to learn their languages.
The audience being targeted by this research topic are the people who greatly criticize the move to continue teaching foreign languages by claiming that it is unnecessary. Additionally, the target audience would be the remaining States that have been sceptical in adopting this vital initiative in their high school curriculum. Particularly, the State has an official position in terms of their decision making ability to influence the course of the curriculum within their boundaries (Davis, 1999, p.122). There are other characteristics such as current view of the study of foreign languages by most critics, according to them, children should be allowed to study the language that they desire when they want to. Therefore, it is characteristic for many people to view this issue negatively with the perception that it is a waste of time for some students.
This paper aims at expounding on both the negative and the positive attributes that are associated with mandatory learning of foreign languages in the US high schools. It will therefore provide an extensive analysis of the government’s argument, critic’s argument and the proponent’s thoughts about this issue. Nonetheless, the paper will be highly inclined on the fact that high school students ought to learn foreign languages because the current rate of globalisation is making people from different parts of the world meet with each other and therefore communication should be also be improved.
Abbott, F. M. (2006). International trade and human rights: Foundations and conceptual issues. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Press.
Cassimatis, A. (2007). Human rights related trade measures under international law: The legality of trade measures imposed in response to violations of human rights obligations under general international law. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Davis, K. A. (1999). Foreign language teaching & language minority education. Honolulu, Hawaii: Univ. of Hawai'i Press.
Goldsmith, C. (2014). Traumatic brain injury: From concussion to coma.
Johanningmeier, E. V. (2009). Equality of educational opportunity and knowledgeable human capital: From the Cold War and Sputnik to the global economy and No Child Left Behind. Charlotte, N.C: Information Age Publishing.
Zhou, M. (2014). 2014 International Conference on Economics and Management (ICEM2014). DEStech Publications, Inc.