Jerusalem has been in conflict almost throughout its history. It is a city that is widely recognized mainly due to this factor. The conflict and wars in Jerusalem have been recorded throughout its history even in the bible. It is a city that has been evidently synonymous with conflict, sieges, battles, and wars almost since its first mention in the bible. However, the current conflict in Jerusalem cannot be viewed as religious. It is a conflict within the Israelites themselves. The current Jerusalem is only perceived religious. However, it is evident, as will be backed by this analysis that the conflict is politically based and instigated.
Conflict in this Jewish city is not a new concept. Children have been born and raised within the numerous conflicts. Successive generations have passed down these characteristics as a tainting aspect of the city (Amstrong 44). The Christian background of the city as depicted in the bible only helps to bring the positive side of the country and the city itself. How do the individuals of the city and the country as a whole view the current conflict?
This is a question that cannot be answered simply in one statement. However, the general perception and opinion of the larger population without the neglect of the other section of the population can be made. In this case, the fact that most indigenous citizens have been born and raised within the environment infested with numerous conflicts comes into play. Many Israelites have incorporated the aspect of war in their minds. Numerous individuals have conceptualized the aspect of war and fully accepted it as a way of life (Albin 78). To many citizens in Israel, war and the numerous conflicts surrounding the state both internal and external may not be resolved in the near future. As such, the current generation in the country seems to leave the burden of settling of the disputes to future generations.
Most individuals are not confident that their government can adequately resolve the current situations facing the country and the city. Given the trend of the country in relation to various wars experienced in the past, it is unlikely that the current stalemate will be resolved. Further, it is clear from the citizens that they view the current Jerusalem conflict as government propaganda. Most people will agree to the fact that the government has a hand in the current Jerusalem conflict in order to promote various interests. As such, it would be an unfounded premise that the respective government would go against its wish in effectively combating and resolving amicably the current Jerusalem conflict.
What is the current situation in Jerusalem? Shifting focus to the predominant Gaza strip conflict one sees chaos in the area (Albin 45). The Israelites have turned against themselves. Nationality and race does not have anything to do with this situation. In this case, the most religious city in the country is at the crux of this conflict. Other religious parts of the population have seemingly suddenly started jostling for equal dominance and recognition in the city. The old model of belief that the city has a strong Christian background therefore seems to be broken by the intrusion of these new religions in the city (Oren 12). As such, the old problem of religious conflict especially within the confines and boundaries of a given country are brought forth. Travelling back in time could never be better demonstrated if not with this situation.
The basis of the conflict cannot be directly pointed out. However, it is basic and evident that the conflict seemingly cropped out due to the diversification of religions in the state. Israel is a democratic and secular state to a large extent according to the provisions of the written constitution. This is the assumption or legal loophole that might have been used by the concerned individuals or parties in fueling the riots and consequently the Jerusalem conflict. The ultra Orthodox Jews living in Jerusalem are seemingly the source point of the current Jerusalem conflict. These ultra Orthodox Jews have done everything to actually alter the settings of the political and economic state of the country.
The ultra Orthodox religious individuals have developed some of the most heinous propaganda in the region. Their respective religious provisions affect the daily normal lives of every single Israelite. The religious beliefs and practices of these individuals are evidently in the extreme. The extremist nature of the religions as seen by the actions of the group members against the general population are one cause of the conflict. For instance, all the bus routes on the city have been affected. Women are now forced to stand or sit at the back of the buses. Failing to honor this provision can result in violence against the specified individual. Cases of women being thrown out of buses have been experienced when women have failed to meet this requirement. The religious propaganda basically pressurizes the women to dress modestly. Cases of commercial advertisements on the streets in Jerusalem being torn off and scrapped from the wall have been seen. Literature which is not related to religion is boycotted by the book stores. The normal contact of men and women is criminalized. For instance, one will find separate queues of men and women in shops and even banks. In Shabbat experiences of various extremists prowling the streets to inhibit anyone still working after sun set has become common.
The government seems to be directly involved in this situation. Given that the government has the necessary force and power to counter the demonstrations and inhuman acts in the city, it is vital that it does that. However, this is not the case in the country. The extremists seem to be thriving in the milieu of the city. It is as if the government has a hand in the instigation of the riots. But the big question regards the issue of reason. Why would the government fuel riots in the most productive city in Israel? From a personal perception, I believe that individual interests of the powerful elite in the government are either directly or indirectly being served by the current situation in the Jerusalem Conflict. The best way of implicating a normal and justifiable conflict would be to link the given conflict to a seemingly innocent factor such as religion. Religion has been used not only in the present, but also in the past as a basis of justifiable conflict and segregation amongst a specific population. Further, the current provisions of the law and the constitution give support to the actions. Therefore, the thriving of such institutions and actions can be guaranteed.
The government also seems to be taking sides when it comes to resolution of the conflict in this country (Amstrong 66). Basically, what transpires in Jerusalem is simply a shocking abuse of power by the state. There is a systematic, in progress and flagrantly illegal usurpation of non-indigenous property and autonomy. This is a tension fueling aspect that eventually triggers hate and consequently hatred among the individuals living in the country.
Is there a solution to the Jerusalem conflict? All manner of conflict can always be assigned an appropriate solution. In this case, the Jerusalem conflict may have everything against the correction of the situation currently being experienced. The government has the biggest portion and role to play in ensuring that the situation in the country changes to the better. With enough state machinery, the government can inhibit any form of riot with of course the proper application of ethics (Oren 14). The current situation should not be given the benefit of doubt or handled in a light manner. Everything in the making regarding the current Jerusalem conflict can be directly linked with the government. This is mainly because there seems to be nothing much being done to change the current situation. Therefore, the wise action for the government in this case would be to do everything within its power to ensure that the conflict is amicably solved.
Further, the natives can and have a very big role to play in this case. It is vital to note that the natives are the concerned individuals in this case. Therefore, they are the basic source of conflict in the city. If only the concerned parties would realize that exercising democracy is not the same as being barbaric, the situation would be different in the country (Albin 89). It is evident that all the parties, especially the extremists, want to have their way and demands fully met. This provision is not possible considering that there are limited resources and numerous competitions. As such, it would be a positive step towards the ending of the unrest in Jerusalem if the concerned parties dropped their aggressive and sometimes mean wants.
The economic implications of any war are diverse and severe. Israel is not an exemption to this factor. The numerous conflicts and wars being experienced in the country are affecting the economy negatively. The basic aspect of migration and constant movement of respective citizens, who in terms of business are productive workers, harms the economy. The full effect and input of each citizen is evidently not being fully utilized by the constant factor of impending war and crisis. If the potential workforce of each productive citizen in the country is measured, it would not be surprising to figure out the fact that the government and the industrial sector of the country are losing numerous resources.
Businesses are destroyed in the city from riots and fights. This is a common news feature in televisions both in the country and internationally. Years of sacrifice regarding the inputs on respective individuals in their own business making to achieve financial freedom is reduced to nothing. The property destruction from these riots often results in huge losses for the owners of the businesses. The end result is that the respective owners suffer business loses which directly reflect in the economic setting of the country in the long run.
International investment is a very vital input in boosting the economic growth of given countries. However, the conflict in Israel is evidently impacting negatively on this aspect (Bar-Tal 44). Generally, no investor with the capabilities of investing huge sums of money would consider Israel as a viable destination. The country only offers a good investment base for a company dealing with arms and ammunition due to the constant conflict in the country. International investors are definitely not willing to invest their money and resources in a country that is affected by war at all times. This is because the economic returns of such ventures would not be enough in the long run. In extreme situations, potential investors fear losing out their money because of the constant conflict or even suffering huge losses.
The other countries in the Middle East are also affected by the Jerusalem and Israelite conflict. Palestine is one major enemy of the Israel nationality (Flapan 21). The Middle East nations are affected by the conflict to a large extent. The region is overly perceived as a major political hotspot. Therefore, the world has a negative perception is shared by other countries in the world.
The United has a stake in the fueling of the Middle East crisis being experienced. The fact that the United States is involved in almost every controversial conflict in the world today may actually be related to general knowledge (Bar-Tal 33). The United States is has seemingly fueled and influenced major world conflicts to ensure that it gets to fulfill its personal incentives and goals. The United States as a super power has the requisite machinery and authority to influence without detection or uproar such kind of world class conflicts.
With one of the largest Jewish population living outside of Israel and a significantly growing number of Arab-Americans, the United States evidently has unique social, diplomatic, and cultural ties to Israel and Palestine. It is also evident that since time immemorial Washington has always viewed Israel as a vital political and economic ally in the Oil rich Middle East region. As such, the United States has always provided Israel with high amounts of financial and military assistance. The one sided nature of the United States in the conflict acts as a conflict fueling aspect. Further, the support that the United States gives to the country can be used as leverage for the fueling of various personalized acts. In this case, the United States might use the big brother aspect and the fact that it allocates financial aid to the country to successfully carry out its own personal projects in Israel. Israel is therefore not given the chance to choose its own preferences or implicate stands against those being preferred by their main financial donor.
It is evident that Israel and the rest of the neighboring countries in Middle East are faced by numerous problems. The constant war and conflict not only between the country and other nations, but also within the Israel citizens is evidently catastrophic. The nationalities believe that the government is not doing enough to curb the Jerusalem conflict and therefore perceives the government as a player and influencer to the current situation in the country. It is crucial that the government should take as fast and effective action as it can to respond to the serious situation and allegation. By doing so, the government will be indicating that it has nothing to do with the crisis in Jerusalem.
Albin, Cecilia. The conflict over Jerusalem: some Palestinian responses to concepts of dispute
resolution. Jerusalem: Passia, 2004. Print.
Amstrong, Karen. Jerusalem: one city three faiths. Phillipa: Ballantine Books, 1997. Print.
Oren, Michael. “An End to Israel’s Invisibility.” New York Times, 13 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 May
2011. (
Flapan, Steve. “The Palestinian Exodus of 1948.” Journal of Palestine Studies 16.4 (1987). Print
Bar-Tal, Daniel. “Societal Beliefs in Times of Intractable Conflict: The Israeli case.”
International Journal of Conflict Management. 9.1 (1998). Print.