I think the article focuses on the tribulations that Jews of all classes are going through in different parts of the world. Jews are attacked from all corners with no one defending them. For example, they are attacked in assemblies, in pulpits, in the streets, in parliament and hotels. Their rights that the statute guarantees are violated, and they are barred from occupying senior positions in either public or private organizations. There are plans also to remove them out of businesses. The article does not intend to raise sympathetic emotions about the deplorable state of the Jews, but to ask some important truth-finding questions. The thesis statement of this article is that wherever Jews live in, they are more or less persecuted. Therefore, it tries to contemplate whether Jews are to leave their present homes, where they will go or whether to stay, and for how long. It also analyses the previous attempts to solve the Jews’ problem such as converting them to peasants or transporting them to other countries, solutions that have not yet worked. In addition, it also analyses the causes and impacts of anti-semitism, which has been a major cause for their tribulations. It proposes a plan that will solve the problems of the Jews once and for all. The plan will include giving Jews sovereignty over a given portion of the globe, probably the Palestine, and they will deal with all other problems.
I agree with the article that Jews for a long time has been subjected to anti-semitism, and suffered long enough in foreign countries. Although Jews have applied many strategies in the past to solve their problem, the lasting solution to their problem is let them rule themselves. The plan will ensure that they deal with their problems just like other sovereign nations.
Work cited
Theodor, Herzl. The Jewish state, 1895. New York: Dover, 1968.