The movie “Julie & Julia”, released in 2009 raises a number of issues or problems, faced by everyone in one’s daily lives. Someone encounters such a period as that of Julie sooner, someone later, but all the people will certainly face a number of identical problems ("Julie & Julia (2009)").
This film is a kind of generalization of the most pressing issues, arising in the process of finding oneself in the world. One person finds himself in the literature, music, while others find themselves in medicine, cooking and so forth. And no one has a right to judge anyone for his choice. It is normal that the outlook on life and happiness is polar among the people, but criticizing or blaming them for doing so is not necessary. No matter from which a person feels a true delight, the main thing is that it should not be dangerous. Finding onerself in something – this is the real happiness. And one finds the recipe to cook it. After all, the process itself gives us a great pleasure, and no matter how long it lasts and from what time one gets this "dish", the main thing is that everyone must not give up.
The film also raises the issue that in fact every profession is an art and everyone should be given fully to one’s business, if he or she believes in it. The risk is a noble thing, but it is necessary to dare and not to turn off the chosen path – then everything will proceed. Everyone has to believe in his dream and in what he or she is doing. The film is about the fact that genuine passion may lurk even in such a prosaic place as an oven.
The film also raises the issue of the importance of human relationships, the importance of support to the families. Without love, the men feel to these women, they probably would not have succeeded. They were always there and inspired confidence in them. The scene, in which Stanley Tucci admits to Meryl Streep: “You are the butter to my bread, and the breath to my life” is a very touching confession. It shows the essence of support. For a man it is important that someone is there. Solving the case of national importance, he finds the strength to support the seemingly frivolous concerns of his wife, and is a fan of her creations, as for his own, not once having reproached her for her eccentricities, always remembering how important supporting to the family members in all their endeavors is and not forgetting about them, carried away by his ingenious projects.
As stated in a The New York Times article “Empire at the End of Decadence” by Charles M. Blow “One of President Obama's new catchphrases is “win the future”, but no one can win the future by ceding the present and romanticizing the past. Here's a look at how the United States compares with other advanced economies” (Blow). In this film there is shown the interweaving of the present, past and future. The importance of this connection cannot be overestimated.
Why the questions, raised in the movie “Julie & Julia” are so important to the modern society? The fact is that all the problems referred to in the film are universal for all generations. Of course, especially these questions are more about the youth of today, who cannot determine their future, struggling to find themselves. This film shows that no one needs to fear one’s dreams, everyone should just go and do, and no matter in which sphere he or she started, all will approve it, when this person becomes a virtuoso. But everybody needs to work hard.
Also, the film sheds a light at how the world has changed in half a century. Something similar Clint Eastwood tried to do in “Gran Torino”. The film develops in two eras that not so many years divide, but the mind and the philosophy of distinguish them more than years. Although ultimately it turns out that the people were always right and similar, regardless of the way of life and society, regardless of time and space. A comparison of how much time and effort Julie and Julia spent, in order to achieve their goals, cannot be ommitted. If Julie had spent about 10 years on the creating and editing books, searching for a publisher, then Julia has become famous in just 1 year, with a clear path in the form of a cookbook. She got into The New York Times, she was inspired by the publishers, got suggestions on making the film (French).
Does anyone of us have a recipe for happiness? More likely not than yes. Everyone has his own way and it cannot be prepared by a pattern. Happiness is not easy. It is not necessary to search for it with fire or wait for it like snow on its head will fall down on us. Happiness consists in the details. Everyone should understand that happiness is unique for everyone and one has to come to by his own way.
In addition, the film is permeated with the theme of motivation and an example or role model for each of us. In each case, there are its own professionals and aces, who inspire the young generation for certain achievements. Such people help young people to determine with their future, find themselves imbued with what they want to do the rest of their life. In the film, such an example for the young Julia became Julie with her book of recipes of the mid-twentieth century. Each person must find his “Julie”, which will also inspire and motivate in a professional field.
Someone has leadership qualities from birth, and someone needs to find his inspiration, which would improve them. In the film, a lot of scenes displayed timidity and diffidence of the young Julia, but she finds an example in the face of Julie, who thanks to her leadership qualities was able to achieve a lot. Julie goes through her experience, it is so to speak, pre-trodden path, but her success is only the merit of her own. It is very important for many people, the realization that following someone's example is not bad, sometimes it leads to a positive result. This issue is very important for most people, who think that if they are not be unique, they have lived a life in vain. After all, as the film shows, everyone can achieve unprecedented success by following the old "recipes," because times are changing.
As a conclusion it is worth saying that all the topics, raised by Nora Ephron in her film, are very important for any generation. They raise a number of age-old questions that many people cannot find the answer to, despite the fact that it turned out they were very close. The film characters are prewritten, so that the viewer would have to demonstrate the contrast between the leadership and timidity, just dreams and their practical implementation, the difference in generations, and more. It should be noted that the whole set of problematic issues raised in the film can be combined under one name "follow your dream". Dream is a passion, it is what brings joy every day. “When you are what you do” – this is the achievement of objectives in the opinion of Nora Ephron. This topic is so important for one and all only because all faced similar problems finding their identity at different stages of their lives. A perfect recipe Nora Ephron does not offer, but she indicates an approximate way, in which each person has to go in the direction of her dreams. Everyone must choose his occupation in life, regardless of public opinion.
This film is the story of diligence, hard work, fortitude and perseverance. The leitmotif of the film is also that it is difficult to overestimate the support of a close and loving person who will support in all stages of one’s endeavors. All these aspects are universal, they have no expiration date, and they have no time constraints. The film also shows that all the questions that man asks himself over the years do not change. Finding oneself in the world begins and ends only in the head and it was always so. Speaking concisely, every person has to arrange his or her life priorities and must first realize what brings him the greatest pleasure from the professional point of view, who is able to support him in all his endeavors, to realize that happiness cannot be built upon any patterns as someone else's life cannot be survived, and to build his own future.
Works cited
Blow, Charles. "Empire At The End Of Decadence". N.p., 2011. Web. 18 Mar. 2016.
French, Philip. "Julie & Julia | Film Review". the Guardian. N.p., 2009. Web. 18 Mar. 2016.
"Julie & Julia (2009)". IMDb. Web. 18 Mar. 2016.