The administration of the medical care improves the medical care by taking proper inquiry, (PBRNs) practice-based research networks and knowledge discovery and data mining. It provides help to grow the research capacity of the medical care (Rosales & Rao, 2010). By using the knowledge discovery and data mining, the health care can advance the design and technology and can easily implement the technologies that help to provide the efficient results in the health care. The analysis of Knowledge discovery and data mining provides help to the physicians in order to improve the outcomes of the patients. All the medical research and pharmaceutical companies can easily evaluate all the essential data by using the KDD. The health care can easily use the KDD by using the computer systems. The software programs of KDD used different techniques in order to identify the dataset hidden relationship (Kavitha, 2016).
The analysts of the health care evaluate and analyze the success of knowledge discovery and data mining in the other health care and also apply the KDD in order to resolve the problems faced by the health care. KDD helps to provide the useful data to the health care professionals. Health care gets several benefits by using the KDD. In the health care, the professionals used the KDD in order to maintain the detailed record of all the patients (Y.K. & Varun, 2012). In the health care, there are several patients and to maintain the record of the patients is a very difficult task, but KDD makes it simple to maintain the record of the patients. If there is any mistake occurs in the record of the patient so the system colored the mistake and the analyst can easily correct that mistake. KDD (knowledge discovery and data mining) convert the huge amount of data of the health care in the useful information that provides help to the managers in the decision-making process (Zhang, 2011).
Knowledge discovery and data mining improve the health care informatics industry
The health informatics applies the information technology and computer science into the health and medical data. The health informatics includes the computerized information that helps to support the health services. The health care informatics industry used the tools and techniques of knowledge discovery and data mining in order to convert the data into the useful information. KDD helps to provide the advanced treatment to the patients; however, it also helps in the diagnosis of a patient. KDD provides help to the health care informatics industry in order to reduce the cost and the industries can provide better facilities by saving the cost. Knowledge discovery and data mining also improve the quality of care and only a few problems arise in the care services (Heslop, 2014).
KDD helps in the health care informatics industry by providing the patient based computer records. The professionals can record large amounts of data of the patients related to their diagnosis and their past history. This will help to improve the efficiency of the underlying industry. Due to the large competition in the healthcare industry, several organizations are involved in making the marketing strategies. KDD provides help in the underlying industry that all the health care organizations make the effective marketing strategies. The organizations can easily determine with the help of KDD that the marketing strategy is effective or not. KDD provides help in the health care informatics industry that the organizations can have the easy and fast access to the relevant information and the organization can make the decisions on the basis of that information (Kohler, 2013).
KDD improves the functionality of the health care informatics industry because the organizations can easily predict the diseases of the patients by using the knowledge discovery and data mining. The efficiency of the systems of health care informatics industry can easily enhanced by using the KDD. KDD also improves the presentation of the data in the underlying industry and presents it on graphs, charts, and tables. KDD also secures the data of the organizations lying in the health care informatics industry by providing the proper care and save the personal data from the other persons (Y.K. & Varun, 2012).
Heslop, L. (2014). Australian direct care nurses can make cost savings and improve health-care quality if they have access to meaningful data. International Journal Of Nursing Practice, 20(4), 337-338.
Kavitha, D. (2016). Performance Appraisal Of KDD Technique In Shopping Complex Dataset. International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science.
Kohler, S. (2013). Can internet access growth help reduce the global burden of noncommunicable diseases?. Online Journal Of Public Health Informatics, 5(2).
Rosales, R. & Rao, R. (2010). Guest Editorial: Special Issue on impacting patient care by mining medical data. Data Mining And Knowledge Discovery, 20(3), 325-327.
Traynor, K. (2016). Medicare project helps put pharmacists in primary care. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 73(6), 346-350.
Y.K., D. & Varun, D. (2012). Knowledge Discovery in Health Care Datasets Using Data Mining Tools. International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science And Applications, 3(4).
Y.K., D. & Varun, D. (2012). Knowledge Discovery in Health Care Datasets Using Data Mining Tools. International Journal Of Advanced Computer Science And Applications, 3(4).
Zhang, S. (2011). Information enhancement for data mining. Wires Data Mining Knowl Discov, 1(4), 284-295.