The need for proficiency in cross-cultural understanding is undisputable. Various elements of communication should be addressed. It is unparalleled that communication is a vital aspect of human life. Every human activity depends on communication. It is imperative for leaders and global political players to gain an in-depth understanding of global cultures. The cultural disparity among the world players means that there are varied mannerisms exhibited by the persons in question. According to the article, there is unwavering misunderstanding of cultural experiences and orientations of others when it comes to communication. The author says that cultural differences often cause disparities in the intended meaning of the spoken languages. It is understood that cultures have great influence on the languages spoken and as such there is the need for proper dissection of different cultures to be able to gain proficiency in their language for proper communication. In the view of the author, global leadership and governance necessitate understanding of different cultures so that hidden cultural meanings experienced in communication can be unlocked.
There are numerous factors that make it virtually and contextually difficult to understand other languages used in communication. It is critical to acknowledge the growing desire for global engagement due to ever volatile global politics. However, it is only possible to relate appropriately to people of different cultures. There is variation in the meaning of words when used across the cultures, and normal communication does not allow for the appropriate transmission of meanings as used by other cultures. The author says that existing ambiguities make it hard to pass proper meanings as intended by the original user thus leading to misinterpretation and misunderstandings. Therefore, it is paramount for global leaders to have sufficient cultural awareness so as to enhance their cross-cultural communication. The cultural knowledge is important for the world leadership since it will enable the variations that exist in the languages spoken due to cultural differences. The languages that different people speak have numerous distinctions that are created by our varied cultures. The language context has much to the understanding of the global languages whether nonverbal or verbal. There are cultural factors that directly influence the languages. Learning these factors can help enhance one’s communication skills. They include;
The language of context encompasses the information that accompanies communication. In the language of context, the information communicated is exhibited in the physical context or the explicit codes. The language of context provides both the low-context and high-context in which meanings can be drawn literally or contextually respectively. Understanding the forms of language of context will enable one draw accurate meanings to the meanings intended by the speaker. The low-context cultures include; Swiss, US, and Scandinavian. However, the Asian culture epitomizes the high-context communications that often offer numerous unwritten communication rules thus making communication complex. The language of time comprises of monochromic time cultures where timelines mean a lot whereas in polychromic-time cultures incorporate the elements of lateness and unconsciousness about time. The cultural space also has an influence on the communication skills as different cultures provide different considerations for spacious and crowded. Space determines the confidentiality of communication thus should be well understood.
Ways to enhance cross-cultural communication
Study the national cultures-the history of a nation often provide and understanding of its culture thus makes it easy to communicate. It will also help understand the cultural behaviors exhibited by different countries.
Gain knowledge of the language of context- it is important to comprehend the language of context as it will enhance the understanding of cultural communication.
Moseley, A. (2009). Improving Cross-Cultural Communication Skills: Ask-Seek-Knock. 1-11. Retrieved February 26, 2016.