Leadership can be taken as ability, a trait, a relationship, a skill and behavior. Leadership is also about searching novel opportunities and taking the risks in order to expand the positive possibilities of the organization. I agree with this statement because one of the important aspect of leadership is foresightedness (Bhandarker, 1990), a leader must possess this ability in order to lead people properly. Foresighted leaders seek out the opportunities for the better future and for securing the present status, which also help them to enhance productive possibilities for the organization for achieving organization’s goals.
In order to make the people prepare for facing the status quo, being a leader I will encourage people to look into the future and also motivate them to see the opportunities instead of seeing the limitations. In this way they can see better opportunities at the sites where others see difficulties and problems. In this way, they become able to accept the change and welcome it with enthusiasm and increased courage. The leaders should inspire the followers by using innovative techniques and methods (Lussier & Achua, 2012). For this purpose, as a leader I will try to eliminate the procedures, behaviors and the policies that undermine and oppose change.
A leader that takes risks for expanding the opportunities enable and encourage others to grow by discouraging comfort zones. The comfort zones are for risk averters and without taking risk success is not possible (McGowan, 2007). The leader can enable others to grow by encouraging them to accept the challenges, develop skills and be innovative. This also gives them the required confidence and they can prosper in each and every phase of life. Enabling others to grow does not relinquish the powers inherent to the leadership because enabling growth of others helps in developing more leadership skills in the leader as well as in the followers. The followers develop an association and affiliation with the leader that collectively help to increase the skills and powers associated with the leadership under which everyone can work in a smooth and coordinated fashion.
Bhandarkar, Asha. (1990). Corporate Success and Transformational Leadership. New Age International Private Limited Publishers, New Delhi
Lussier, Robert., & Achua, Christopher. (2012). Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development. Cengage Learning
McGowan, Julie J. (2007). Swimming with the Sharks: Perspectives on Professional Risk Taking. Journal of Medical Library Association, 95(1), 104-113Swimming with the sharks: perspectives on professional risk taking
Swimming with the sharks: perspectives on professional risk taking*
Swimming with the sharks: perspectives on professional risk taking*