Communication plays an important role in society and in the capture of human cultural and human values, social experience. This particular form of human interaction with other people makes it possible to mutually exchange of views, ideas, interests, sentiments, attitudes, etc. Increasing importance of communication in the modern world requires the ability to communicate. So, communication must teach communication need to learn that requires deep knowledge of the phenomenon, its patterns and features that work with people.
The theory of language culture as a special linguistic discipline offered to put the following definition of the discipline. Culture speech is set and the organization of language means that a particular communication situation subject to modern linguistic norms and ethics of communication allowing for the greatest effect in achieving communication objectives.
The effectiveness of communication is the "final product", the creation of which should facilitate cultural theory of language in its practical application. When we understand effective communication best way to achieve their communication goals. Communication goals are closely related to the basic functions of language (Tomasello 6). Technologies of effective communication are the methods, techniques and means of communication that provide full mutual understanding and mutual empathy (empathy - the ability to put yourself in the other person (or object), capacity for empathy) partners in communication.
Three main substantive aspects characterize that communication as a complex socio-psychological process: communicative, interactive and perceptive. Each of them has a relative independence and provides specific goals of communication:
• communicative aspect;
• interactive aspect;
• perceptual aspect (Tomasello 11).
Yet, it is associated with a significant contradiction in the process of such communication. On the one hand, rivals particular need to properly understand each other. Such a lack of proper understanding prevents trust between them, their "closeness" to each other due to conscious or unconscious self-defense in the conflict. Therefore, to ensure a constructive dialogue in conflict it is desirable (if possible) to create an atmosphere of mutual trust in the process, to form at the target set for cooperation.
Work Cited
Tomasello, Michael. Origins Of Human Communication. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2010. Print.