Since ancient times, the ability to manage is considered the undisputed quality of a successful person. From the history, we can see that leaders are inherent in this quality. Moreover, selecting rulers’ people gave preference to them who is strong enough to lead people, to declare war on another state and to take responsibility for making important decisions for the country. People formed image of the head, and they needed someone who will take care of them and protect them from danger.
The man, who does not have leadership qualities, had no chance to become the ruler. Before the considering of fundamental qualities leader should be strong at, let's make the designation to the word "leader". Leader is a person with clearly defined objectives and principles, which take the lead in decision-making, can be manipulated moods and even thinking of people. Head is not afraid of danger, always ready to answer for his actions. Accountability is highly important quality of a leader. If the people have entrusted to man to be a leader, will find that he is cannot take responsibility for his actions, they immediately re-elected another leader.
Nowadays, the concept of leadership is applicable everywhere - in families, in the companies, at the top of government. In the latter case, the leader has a clear position, called "President." Drawing a parallel with the history, the president's position is similar to the role of leader. From the president's actions are often dependent relationships between the different countries, their political and economic cooperation, so the president must be a leader of the country, the guarantor of the constitution. Leaders' psychology is the way a person's world, his thoughts, perception of reality and its features. He can keep the faith in his strength, even in the most difficult situations, remain calm and poise, always and everywhere.
Politics are the most self-confident people. They are eager to lead people. Some of them became dictators, some charlatans, and only a little percentage of them became national heroes and great leaders. No matter what way of life they pick one thing they have in common. They have strong self-confidence and ability to persuade. One of the historical examples of the person who lead millions of people was Mao Zedong. Together with like-minded people, Mao Zedong established in Changsha Company "new people" aimed to "find new ways and methods of transformation of China." He gained a reputation as an influential political figure. Mao organized the "Society for the dissemination of cultural reading of revolutionary ideas", created in Changsha communist groups. Next year he became the chief delegate of the province. Despite disputes with government, he formed unions of workers and peasants and collaborated in the radical weekly. Mao has interesting and saturated biography. And one thing is clear - he is a great leader.
One of the most important qualities of a leader is self-confidence. If someone is not sure of his abilities, he will never become a leader. How can a person lead people, to make them believe him, even if he does not believe in himself? Insecure people often do not dare to take vital decisions until a thousand times does not check the correctness of their actions, and they will not ask other people their views on these actions. Sure as a people can make a decision at lightning speed, so they know what they are doing everything right, but because they do not spend time thinking about the situation.
Accordingly, the leadership qualities give a person (not even had a phenomenal intellect) a significant head start over the other "contenders" for leadership. If someone wants to be a leader, but do not have the needed qualities it does not matter, because the self-confidence is the point that anyone can always work out. Communication with the confident people can help non-leader to be on the one step closer to the leader and to become a more confident person. Making a list of achievements anyone will remember his feelings at the moments of triumph it can make one's mood in the moments of despair. The more one feel the success; the greater will be his confidence in achieving success.
Manager does not undertake the environmental assessment itself for the only truth. He understands the opinions of others about him and knows that it is purely their opinion. He does not let others have a negative impact on his self-esteem and self-confidence. Manager does not handle the case of a positive result is uncertain even half. He remembers that every failure is a severe blow to his self-confidence, and the more failures occur, the harder it will be given to every man the subsequent decision.
Therefore, if one is at the very beginning knew that it is doomed to failure he should not start it at all. Non-leader needs to stop criticizing himself if he wants to be a leader. If one fails, the best thing one can learn from it - to recognize that there are failures with everyone and one is not a robot to perform all phases of work accurately.
Leader, usually, emerges in response to the expectations of others: "We need a leader" leader - a role group, created from the expectations of others. Leader - not something external and foreign to the group: the group needs a manager. She is looking for someone to appoint to this position, who to this status.
There are some personality traits that will help a person to become a leader: in the first place are the courage, energy and skill to impress. The group is looking for and recognized as a leader only someone who initially has some status. Not everyone will become a leader of high status, but low-status never has become and will not be recognized as a leader. Leader is the one who responds to the specific expectations of the group gives the group what she wants. He is one who knows how to create the appearance and tell beautifully and promise speech that give people what they want to believe.
Moreover, integral quality of every leader is the willingness to change. If in the process of achieving the goal suddenly swaps the factors that affect the achievement of results, the leader will be ready to change the business strategy. He will bring these changes to his team and to bring the necessary resources to achieve the goal.
For example, if the production of certain goods of the vast profits of the company, but due to changes in consumer preferences and the influence of a factor of fashion this product is not in demand. The director of the company will be willing to change the production plan by adjusting the corresponding order to the head of the production department, the deletion of the production this product.
People call it the flexibility of thinking - the ability to quickly adapt to external circumstances and environment, without losing self-control. Being flexible does not mean cave in someone's interests or to take someone's point of view. It also does not say that leader need to agree, always and everywhere, allowing others to impose their will on you and desires. Few approve of people who do not have their opinions and are not able to defend it.
The more flexible leader can quicker act in a particular situation. React to it according to logical reasons, without showing much emotion. Flexibility of thinking helps to see all the faces of the object, and not just one of its sides. Being flexible is a person's ability to change his initial plan of action, if it does not satisfy him more, quickly and easily find new strategies for solving problems. After all, every day in business or even life have different situations that need to respond accordingly.
Thus, flexible person will show himself a true leader, as the decision to protect the company from significant costs associated with the production of an unprofitable product. Thus, was examined the basic conditions necessary for a person to be called the "leader." The leader can demonstrate his leadership qualities only in a suitable situation. For example, the head of the enterprise may be very successfully in some situations and fail in others.
Consider the example of Steve Jobs, at age 21, founded together with Stephen Wozniak's legendary company "Apple Computers". (Leadership 10.11)
Steve was eccentric and did not seem the traditional corporate top manager. He brought the counterculture 60s and turned to computers, already having behind LSD experiences. He traveled at India and lived in communes.
It was days when there were no personal computers. Steve had an unusual style, and he needed to create a new industry. Within five years, his corporation was worth several billion dollars. Suddenly, company began to suffer losses, losing in the competition with competitors. In 1985, Jobs was forced out of business. He returned to the company when faced with the need to make a technological breakthrough: qualitative improvements of their operating system «Mac» restore the trust of customers and former position in the market.
Thus, a corporate leader who wants to remain active for a long time, must be able quickly adapting for different circumstances and flexibly change his behavior.Without the above-mentioned qualities, no one can be a leader. All of the heads of organizations, owners of large corporations have these qualities. They have the psychology of leadership. Are they born with these qualities? No, they developed them with the experience, gradually instilling leadership qualities. If they could do it, anyone will be able to do it.
Ability to gather and organize a group depends primarily on the ability of the leader to persuade and manipulate the facts and arguments, the presence of the leader charisma. (Ting-Hui Lin's Leadership Blog. (n.d.)) He must build an organization in such a way that each of its members clearly know their responsibilities and understand their responsibility for decision-making.
Certainly, the creative way of thinking for leader is highly significant, but this is not the first and even not the second quality he needs to have. No one is perfect. And no one can become Steve Jobs in one night, even Steve Jobs. People learn from their birth till the deep oldness. It is might be the best quality people have in common. If non-leader eager to become a leader, he has a lot of inspirational examples from the biography who did the same.
Reference list
Leadership 17.10.2011 19:00. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Ting-Hui Lin's Leadership Blog. (n.d.). Retrieved from