Tinham, B. (January 01, 2005). Visibility gives thought for food: Lean and agile multi-site supply chain operations are being delivered at Grampian Country Food, following implementation of new systems. Manufacturing Computer Solutions.
The article involves a study on implementation of Lean and agile multi-site supply chain operations at Grampian County Food, a leading European chicken industry. The business has multiple businesses, and in different geographical locations with dependencies on each other. Each of the businesses was acquired over different times, with its unique systems market routes and business processes. The article provides a program on the appropriate time to integrate the lean and agile model. The main contributor of this article is Banihashemi a business analyst. This is an excellent review to receive ideas and knowledge regarding supply chains. The article is very informative on the dos and don’ts while implementing the supply chain management.
Nabelsi, V. (January 01, 2012). Towards Patient-Driven Agile Supply Chains in Healthcare.
The paper evaluates a strategic framework for Customer-Oriented or Patient-Driven SCM, incorporating the healthcare industry economics and the emerging global supply chains trends.
The paper focuses on modern Supply Chain Management (SCM) approaches like lean and agile supply chains. This was in order to improve their Material Management Systems (MMS).
The article outlines the various methods applied by the healthcare organization in reducing cost reductions. The article indicates that the supply cost should be reduced but, on the other hand, achieve the objective of improving health care. The main keywords in the article are supply chain management, systems and processes. Lastly, the article emphasizes on the advantages of adopting the agile and lean supply. The supply chain helps in improving the efficient and enlightenment of hospital and service to the patients. The authors in the article are; Véronique Nabelsi Affiliation: Université du Quebec en Outaouais, Canada.
Towill, D., & Christopher, M. (January 01, 2003). The Supply Chain Strategy document: To Be either or Lean Agile, To Be Lean And Agile. Supply Chain Practice.
The main authors in this article are Christopher and Towill. The main theory referenced in this article is based on the theory and facts of supply chain management. It emphasizes on the agile and lean supply chain as the central model for success in an organization. The article recommends following up on the lean and agile supply chain to all upcoming or already established business.
Aronsson, H., Abrahamsson, M., & Spens, K. (May 01, 2011). Develop lean, & agile health care supply chain. Supply Chain Management.
The article outlines the benefits of using the agile and lean supply chain in healthcare industry. The article offers a clear outline on the procedures that can be followed while integrating the lean and agile supply chain into any organization. The article is very knowledge and can serve as an excellent source of ideas in the supply chain.
Drake, P. R., Lee, D. M., & Hussain, M. (January 01, 2013). The lean and agile purchasing portfolio model. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal.
The paper is based on Fisher's seminal model work, on two case studies, manufacture of boilers and elevators. The findings were that a range of purchasing strategies should be employed based on priority competitiveness.
The paper is in an international journal outlining on the importance of active supply chain management in and organization. The main contributing authors are Paul drake and mailout Hussain. The main keywords in the article are supply chain management and agile and lean supply chain selection. This article would be suitable to organizations intending to formulate their own supply chain portfolio.
Mistry, J. J. (July 01, 2005). Supply Chain Management: Case research of an Integrated Lean and Agile Model. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management.
The paper describes the examination of efficiencies and cost saving due to evolution of lean and agile supply chains focusing on company innovations leading to production improvements. The findings were that there was evolution of lean manufacturing and quality enhancing components for the seven year period of transition from agile to one with integrated lean and agile system which was based on decoupling point approach.
The contributing author in the journal is Jamshed J Mistry. The article gives a well explained case study of the lean and agile model of the supply chain. It provides a smooth flowing account of the qualitative research in accounting of the organization. The article acts as a guide for many organizations willing to establish a strong and viable supply chain management about agile and lean supply model.
Sreekumar, M.G., & Gopinath, Saji. (2001). The Shrinked Supply Chains of Information. (DRTC Workshop on Digital Library.) DRTC.v
The article is on the agile, & lean supply chain has influenced in the development of the manufacturing industry with support from technological advancement. The article is a wonderful source of information as far as technological advancement in supply chain is concerned.
Ben, N. J., Naim, M. M., & Berry, D. (January 01, 1999). Leagility: Integrating the lean and agile production paradigms in the total supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics.
The article focuses on showing the total supply chain strategy putting into consideration the decoupling point approach and market knowledge using a level schedule. The key words are time compression, lean thinking, Agile manufacturing, and customer satisfaction.
The journal mainly focuses on the production economics with emphasis on the advantage of integrating the lean and agile manufacturing supply paradigm. The main contributing author is D berry. The keywords are the supply chain of agile and lean model.
Christopher, M., & Towill, D. (June 01, 2001). An integrated approach for the design of agile supply chains. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
The paper examines the possibility of merging agile and lean methods to the advantage of the business. Methods of creating hybrid strategies are exploited to make cost-effective supply chains proposing integrated logistics/manufacture model so as to enable crucial infrastructure.
The main authors are Denis Towill and Martin Christopher. The journal is giving an account of the agile and Lean model of Supply chain and how the companies and organizations can benefit from them. It’s a great article for distributor organization seeking information on the tricks behind success.
Qrunfleh, S., & Tarafdar, M. (October 28, 2013). Lean and agile supply chain approaches. The role of strategic supplier bond and postponement. Supply Chain Management
The article deals on the supply chain management. It explains the responsiveness accorded to business by applying the agile and lean strategies in supply chain model. The principal authors who participated in creating this executive informative article were Tarafdar and Qrunfleh.
Court, David. (January 01, 2009). Modular assembly to improve health, safety in construction.
The paper presents the results of an engineering study on supply chain component. The findings of the research were a forecast of onsite labor reduction of 35% with fewer injury risks.
The article is a case study on the engineering group that achieved its stability in the market after using the lean and agile supply chain model. The article is very informative on the dos and don’ts while implementing the supply chain management. It can be applicable to any organization as it increases the organization's productivity.
Banihashemi, S. A. (September 04, 2011). The strategic application of lean and agile supply chain. African Journal of Business Management, 5, 17, 7557-7563.
The article provides the strategies and approaches that can be applied when improving performance of supply chains in an organization. The article provides a program on the appropriate time to integrate the lean and agile model. The main contributor of this article is Banihashemi a business analyst. This is an excellent journal to receive ideas and knowledge regarding supply chains.
Naim, M. M., Gosling, J., & Innsbruck 2008. (May 01, 2011). On leanness, agility and lean & agile supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics.
The article is very informative regarding the leanness and agile supply chain and how it promotes success in supply chain management.
Shahbazkhan, M. R., Shahriari, J. E., & Najafi, M. (December 01, 2012). Dentifying and evaluating effective factors on lean-agile supply chain. Life Science Journal.
The article provides an extensive report on the success of implementing lean and agile supply chain. It suggests to organization to put into actions the lean and agile supply chain model as it is very successful.
Alavizadeh, A., (January 01, 2012). Agile & leanValue in Global Supply Chains.
The article deals with the supply chain models generated by agile and lean. It explains how the supply chain can be applicable in all organization worldwide. The article is very informative in building and maintenance of supply chains.
Martin, C., & Denis, Ri. T. (January 01, 2007). Supply Chain formulation: an International Supply Journal.
The article is very knowledge and can serve as an excellent source of ideas in the supply chain. The article gives a clear outline on the procedures that can be followed while integrating the lean and agile supply chain into any organization. The article outlines the benefits of using the agile and lean supply chain in healthcare industry.
Sanz,, M. P., & Navarro, E. P. (January 01, 2010). Flexible Supply Chains.
The article is a case study on the engineering group that achieved its stability in the market after using the lean and agile supply chain model. The article is very informative on the dos and don't while implementing the supply chain management. It can be applicable to any organization as it increases the organization's productivity.
Wu, C., & Barnes, D. (July 01, 2007). An approach for continuous build up in Lean supply chains. Knowledge and Process.
The main keywords in this journal are supply chain management and agile and lean supply chain model. This article would be suitable to organizations intending to formulate their own supply chain portfolio.
Jain, V., Benyoucef, L., & Deshmukh, S. G. (December 01, 2009). The ideas about moving from lean to agile? International Journal of Production Research.
Explanation of the supply chain models created by agile and lean. A fuzzy intelligent agent-based approach on supply chains. It explains how the supply chain can be applicable in all organization worldwide. The article is very informative in building and maintenance of supply chains.
Jiang, J.-C., & Chen, K.-H. (January 01, 2007). Development of a Collaborative production Integrating Lean and Agile production for the Supply Chain. International Journal of Management.
The key words are collaborative Manufacturing Planning and Scheduling (CMPS). The CMPS system integrates the lean and agile production systems to enhance decision making in production. The paper evaluates the CMPS in employing multiple machines at a stage and manufacturing of multiple products. All the activities in the business are triggered by customer’s demand and resources coordination analysis. The article emphasizes on the advantage that manufacturing companies can gain after integrating the agile and lean supply chain in their management. The main keywords in this journal are supply chain management and agile and lean supply chain model. This article recommends all manufacturing and production industries to incorporate the agile and lean supply chain into their management.
Sreekumar, M.G., & Gopinath, Saji. (2001). The Shrinked Supply Chains of Information. (DRTC Workshop on Digital Library.) DRTC.v
Shahbazkhan, M. R., Shahriari, J. E., & Najafi, M. (December 01, 2012). Dentifying and evaluating effective factors on lean-agile supply chain. Life Science Journal.
Ben, N. J., Naim, M. M., & Berry, D. (January 01, 1999). Leagility: Integrating the lean and agile production paradigms in the total supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics.
Christopher, M., & Towill, D. (June 01, 2001). An integrated approach for the design of agile supply chains. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 31, 4, 235-246.
Towill, D., & Christopher, M. (January 01, 2003). The Supply Chain Strategy document: To Be either or Lean Agile, To Be Lean And Agile. Supply Chain Practice.
Mistry, J. J. (July 01, 2005). Supply Chain Management: Case research of an Integrated Lean and Agile Model. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management.
Tinham, B. (January 01, 2005). Visibility gives thought for food: Lean and agile multi-site supply chain operations are being delivered at Grampian Country Food, following implementation of new systems. Manufacturing Computer Solutions.
Jiang, J.-C., & Chen, K.-H. (January 01, 2007). Development of a Collaborative production Integrating Lean and Agile production for the Supply Chain. International Journal of Management.
Martin, C., & Denis, Ri. T. (January 01, 2007). Supply Chain formulation: an International Supply Journal.
Wu, C., & Barnes, D. (July 01, 2007). An approach for continuous build up in Lean supply chains. Knowledge and Process.
Court, David. (January 01, 2009). Modular assembly to improve health, safety in construction.
Jain, V., Benyoucef, L., & Deshmukh, S. G. (December 01, 2009). The ideas about moving from lean to agile? International Journal of Production Research.
Sanz,, M. P., & Navarro, E. P. (January 01, 2010). Flexible Supply Chains.
Aronsson, H., Abrahamsson, M., & Spens, K. (May 01, 2011). Develop lean, & agile health care supply chain. Supply Chain Management.
Alavizadeh, A., (January 01, 2012). Agile & leanValue in Global Supply Chains.
Nabelsi, V. (January 01, 2012). Towards Patient-Driven Agile Supply Chains in Healthcare.
Drake, P. R., Lee, D. M., & Hussain, M. (January 01, 2013). The lean and agile purchasing portfolio model. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal.
Banihashemi, S. A. (September 04, 2011). The strategic application of lean and agile supply chain. African Journal of Business Management.
Qrunfleh, S., & Tarafdar, M. (October 28, 2013). Lean and agile supply chain approaches. The role of strategic supplier bond and postponement. Supply Chain Management.
Naim, M. M., Gosling, J., & Innsbruck 2008. (May 01, 2011). On leanness, agility and lean & agile supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics.