Great Law of Peace
The one aspect that stands out is the use of the great tree to symbolize strength and peace. Its roots spread out in four directions like a compass. People who wanted to maintain peace in the Five Nations were required to trace the roots of the tree to come together and enjoy the shelter of the big tree (Wampum par. 4).
Declaration of Independence
The article outlines the principles of the U.S. Government as well as the constituents of the American identity one of the being mentioned at the beginning of the text that all men are equal and deserve happiness, liberty, and life. The bulk of the Declaration continues to rebuke oppression and tyranny by inspiring individuals to fight for equality and freedom (National Archives “Declaration of Independence: A Transcription”).
Black Panther
The ten points of the Black Panthers are drawn from several centuries of the oppression of the African American people. They thus highlight the areas that they intend to transform to secure the equality and freedom of the Blacks. Each point talks about a significant plight such as full employment, decent housing, education, healthcare, amongst others (“The Black Panthers: Ten Point Program”).
Delano Proclamation
The central theme of the proclamation is social justice for the minorities in the United States particularly in the sector of employment. The Filipino workers in Delano wanted the same rights and wages as other working men in the nation (Chavez par. 4).
Campaign Zero
Campaign Zero uses a subtle approach to policy change, unlike Black Lives Matter which believes that African Americans have the right to defend themselves if attacked by the police for no reason. According to Campaign Zero, violence is not an option since they are better ways such as community oversight and demilitarization. The moves ensure no bloodshed. However, they solely rely on the accountability and responsiveness of the levels of government (Campaign Zero “We Can End Police Violence in America”).
Harriet Tubman
The Black Lives Statement failed to consider the disabled persons in their plight for equality and freedom. According to Harriet Tubman, the disabled individuals are twice as likely to end up in abject poverty compared to any other American citizen. Moreover, a quarter of the Black population comprises of disabled persons which is thus shocking the statement did not incorporate disability as a requisite (Harriet par. 3).
Connection of All Documents
Yes, all documents are connected by the common element of social justice. They all mention minorities or groups of individuals who are determined to obtain equality and freedom. The Declaration and the Great Law of Peace emphasize on the co-existence of different people as one nation where everyone’s rights are observed.
Works Cited
Campaign Zero. We Can End Police Violence in America, 2017. Web. <> Accessed January 22, 2017.
Chavez, Cesar. "United We Shall Stand:" Delano Manifesto. Division of Politics and Reform, National Museum of American History, 1966. Web. <> Accessed January 22, 2017.
Harriet, Tubman. Disability Solidarity: Completing the “Vision for Black Lives.” 2016. Web. <> Accessed January 22, 2017.
National Archives. Declaration of Independence: A Transcription. America’s Founding Documents, 1776. Web. < transcript> Accessed January 22, 2017.
The Black Panthers: Ten Point Program, n.d. Print
Wampum. The Organization of the Confederacy. The Great Law of Peace, n.d. Web. <> Accessed January 22, 2017.