“The Croquet Player” by H.G. Wells is a satirical novel which is written in an allegorical form. It tells a story of a man who fled from the bad dreams. The book was inspired by the influence of a historical event such as the Spanish Civil War. The main hero is a croquet player who is listening to a very weird and horrible story while drinking vermouth. The story is about a haunted countryside under the name Cainsmarsh. It is a story of a horror which evolves until the time it absorbs the whole world.
It is a modern ghost story which tells the reader about the English Village. Some very horrible events are happening in it. A scarecrow is murdered by a horrified farmer. Pets are being killed. People who love each other are starting to hate each other. People do not trust each other anymore. Children have weird marks on them when they get to school. One spectator believes there's insidious underground scattered everywhere throughout the bog, attacking villagers' brains, and it's spreading. An all around reproduced, amiable and to some degree feminine croquet player is recounted the interesting story of Cainsmarsh and it's looming fate as though its situation was the start of the end of progress.
In conclusion, Wells' insufficient youthful hero is at any rate as significant in the time of environmental change and virtual reality as he was in the time of Fascism: then as now, whatever the condition of the world, one must play croquet with one's auntie.
Works Cited
Wells, H. The Croquet Player. Web. 2003.