Multiple Intelligence theory replaces traditional perspective on human intelligence. According to traditional point of view an intelligent person is the one who can think logically, rationally, learn new information, etc. According to Gardner, a person who is highly sociable, who is talented in music, dances, etc. also can be called intelligent person.
This approach to understanding of intelligence can be critisized for many reasons but, on the other hand, it allows us to evaluate ourselves and other people more positively. Also, Gardner`s theory dismiss standard “stupid-smart” labels.
Applying the theory of Gardner to myself I can indicate that linguistic intelligence is my biggest strength. It always was easy for me to learn new languages, to understand grammar, etc.
I thing that logical-mathematics and linguistic intelligence are most valued types for our educational system. However, as I believe, society values most of all interpersonal intelligence that is why people who are succesful at school, who are good students not always achieve success in their life. And vice verca, students who had bad marks at school can ahieve success due to their interpersonal intelligence.
If work environments recognize multiple intelligence it have to organize such educational condition where every person will be abble to develop own main types of intelligence to the maximum and, therefore, become more effective, demonstrate higher productivity in work, learning, etc.
Multiple intelligence theory helps me to reognize every person and myself as intelligent, skilfull, talented. This theory help me to evaluate as “intelligent” not only those people who understand mathematics, physics, etc. but also those who have highly developed spatial, kinestetic, visual, audial, interpersonal, intropersonal and other skills.
Gardner, H. (1983). Howard Gardner, multiple intelligences and education.