Going to college is important because in the world today people need to have degrees in order to be able to get jobs that pay well. The market is extremely competitive and the demand has to be reached though studying and through practical experience. At the end of the day, the degree itself is irrelevant as a piece of paper, but the experience of going through college is important for people to network, meet relevant people from the industry and to seek for job opportunities and internships.
Going to college makes people meet professionals from the field they would like to work in. The theoretical knowledge is also important because it gives people broad education and makes them comfortable in the academic atmosphere. Professors and instructors as well as lecturers are people who have significant experience outside of college and they can help students gain insight into the real world. A person cannot be taught how to excel in the work place while still in college without any actual experience, but they have the opportunity of being put in the working environment by connecting with the right people. Professors want their student to be successful because it makes them successful as well which is why students should listen carefully and take all the advice from the people who are experienced.
Access to internships is important in all professions, especially those where communication skills are important. There are many colleges who offer their students practical experience because of their collaboration with established institutions. This is a priceless opportunity for students to put their theory to practice and to achieve a greater level of independence in work. Innovation is what matters in the modern world because it generates profit and young people need to be stimulated in order to become free thinkers capable of realizing their visions. Having a vision is also related to theoretical work because students study a lot while in college and they gain new ideas by combining the theoretical framework which they acquire during their studies.
When students meet people who are professionals, they get inspired and they also get professional contacts which gives them advantage over their colleagues who chose not to go to college. Being in the right place at the right time is essential for students to gain self-confidence as well as practical knowledge. All of this is possible when they feel motivated because of the importance they feel while being in the environment of the real world where business is not simulated, but happens in real time. Everything in life is about practice but the theoretical background is important as well because it is a good basis for further professional development. What is more, students build their professional personas while being exposed to the real world from an early stage. It is important to get used to the corporate lifestyle and to acquire habits that can help people survive in the real world where millions of dollars can be gained or lost within minutes. Students need to understand that it is not only about following orders, but about thinking in an unusual way in order to generate new ideas which could be implemented in the company and generate profit. Moreover, a young professional might have an idea which could be worth billions if only they are encouraged enough to develop their creative skills.
It is a fact that students who graduate from college earn more because of all the privileges that they have while in college. “85% of Forbes' 2012 America's 400 Richest People list were college grads” (ProCon.org). People who went to university have better chances for employment and they also earn more because they start working earlier on a more advanced level than students who only have a high school degree. It is difficult for professional who are college graduates to find employment in the times of the crisis, but it is even harder for those without a college degree. Moreover, many jobs have a prerequisite of having a degree from college unless a person is starting their own business. Even then, it is better to gain as much experience as possible from working in an established company before starting one’s own company.
What is also relevant is that students learn how to behave towards one another and how to treat experienced professionals. “Students ranked "interpersonal skills" as the most important skill used in their daily lives in a 1994 survey of 11,000 college students” (ProCon.org). They engage in extracurricular activities which are fun and this allows them to socialize and be comfortable around people they do not know. Even while partying, students learn how to relax in the company of like-minded people with the same goal. Most of the students become great co-workers because of socializing while in college. It is important to be able to work on a team without having any problems and to put any personal preferences aside. This is learned from being exposed to diversity in college. Young people appreciate being surrounded by the atmosphere in which they are encouraged to work and to relax while becoming trained for the real world. It is important for them to understand what it is like to be exposed to the actual work which they have access to because of the connections they make in college.
There is another aspect related to success in business and it depends on the choice of the major. “The only way to learn something is to have a passionate interest in it, then learn it, then repeat it, then try to teach it to someone else” (Altucher). People need to have passion in their lives which is the driving force that leads them to strive for perfection. It is important for students to love what they do in order to be good at it. Having interest, which is not only materialistic, is important because it makes young professionals go the extra mile for success that should set them apart from the rest of the world and from the competition. There is much to be learned from competition as well, but it is best to rely on one’s own intelligence and imagination because being original is what brings success and distinguishes a business. Being able to recognize successful people and those who have the intellectual capabilities to establish themselves as remarkable professionals one day is essential for creating a company which will generate profit.
Various people have various experience related to college, but it is certain that it is not a waste of time or money. Many people profit from studying and they gain friends while doing so. Establishing professional contacts is also important because it makes people more self-assured and improves their self-confidence because they get recognition in the professional world from an early day. Networking is important in all professions as well as improving social skills which depends on being exposed to practice in college. Students, and their peers, experience everything together and it teaches them team spirit and entrepreneurship. It is important for students to be able to recognize what is important and work on establishing it in the real world. Ideas and theory are the basis of everything and creativity depends on inspiration and motivation. These can be achieved in the college atmosphere where everybody is encouraged to develop themselves intellectually.
Works Cited
Altucher, James. "The Pros and Cons of Going to College." Huffington Post 13 Aug. 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-altucher/the-pros-and-cons-of-goin_b_7982744.html>.
"Is a College Education Worth It?." ProCon.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2016. <http://college-education.procon.org/#background>.