Religious Studies
The “Middle” Positions of Homosexuality in Churches
Homosexuality has been major issue of debate in the church for the past decades. In addition, the Church has ignored this intricate issue; this has been due to the Christian teachings that are based on marriage, which strictly asserts that marriage is a holy matrimony meant for a man and a woman. The church has viewed Homosexuality as an immoral act and sin against God, and thus, the church denominations could not allow it under any circumstance. However, in the past decade, there has been openness to accept homosexuality in some churches. In essence, Homosexuality has also been perpetuated by the sexual revolution, increased moral relativity from academic and cultural elite, pornography, divorces, and change in marriage institutions. The different cultures have accepted gays and lesbians in their communities. The church has chosen to take middle position on the matter. The paper shall discuss and examine the leadership roles homosexuals hold in churches and the justification.
Churches have argued the issue on theological moral and biblical grounds for years, however the agreement seems to be elusive. For instance, the Hillsong churches from Australia allow gay people to attend the church but are not given any leadership senior leadership roles. A gay couple, in the church, was removed from choir leadership position when they confessed that they were gay. The co-founder pastor of Hillsong Church stated that the church could not allow the homosexuals to hold leadership position despite the legislation of gay marriage. The pastor affirmed that their church welcomed all people but will never knowingly appoint gay people to the direction positions whether for pay or not. In addition, The Catholic Church, under the leadership of Pope Francis, asserts that they respect people who were willing to have same-sex marriages and allow them into the church because they come with different gifts and qualities. However, they prohibited from the church responsibilities and procedures.
It is pertinent to note that different churches in the world hold homosexuality in distinct views. There are those churches that are still traditionalist and will not allow gay or lesbian into their church congregation. However, since the legislation of same-sex marriages, the majority churches have agreed to allow them into churches. Yet, churches still limit the roles they can play in the churches. The same-sex sexual intercourse is named as one of the forbidden acts in the Bible and is referred in about seven verses such as Leviticus 18:21-22. In the Old Testament, the text against homosexuality is found in Genesis 19:1-13, God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone when men from Sodom had the intention to have sexual relations with two messengers of God sent to Lot. In addition, the book of Leviticus, same-sex intercourse is believed to be an abomination, which is punishable by death.
Moreover, there are different suggestions of how Bible topics should be interpreted about the view of homosexuality. People argue that the prejudice, fear, and misconception showed towards homosexuals are more related to the culture than the religion. The cultural beliefs against same-sex relationships hinder understanding of the Biblical teachings. The Bible prohibits sex between people of the same-sex, but does not place it as the major sin. In fact, a homosexual relationship is not even mentioned in the Ten Commandments, and is considered awful when it leads to the other crimes such as prostitution, adultery, and rape. Sexual orientation is not a sin, and the Bible does not condemn same-sex attraction but prohibits sexual intercourse between the people of same sex. The Bible does not also prevent homosexuals from qualifications in the serving of clergy since there is no specification in any verse.
Today’s churches have three slogans they use while identifying with the gay people; they congregation talk of loving the sinner but at the same time hate the sin they carrying out as homosexuals. The churches also urge the gay people to keep their affairs a secret and finally the homosexuals should remember that human bodies are a home of the Lord, which should be protected from spiritual and physical hazards.
In conclusion, there is still much exertion through the debate about homosexuality n the church. However, it is essential that the church be careful not to adopt to the customs of the world. What the church will tolerate today its children will practice in future. The church must also see the task of evangelism to the homosexual and helping them to be integral disciples of the church. However, others assert that all people were created accordingly to God’s image, and no matter which sexual orientation they choose, Christians are prohibited from judging them. The acceptance of gay people into the church is a noble act, which should be perpetuated. The denial of leadership position for homosexuals in churches is somehow justifiable because God created a woman for a man, and not the other way round. Therefore, churches being one of the most prominent moral institutions in the society should ensure they act in a way the support peoples’ cultures.
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