I selected Derick Carson presentation on his company Flow Signals. Derrick's company has created some traffic signs that use sign displays instead of the static photos that have been used to date. In his presentation, Derick introduced his products as an improvement of the current road signs that have been in use for decades. His presentation, composure, and the details were okay as explained the problem that his products are designed to solve. However, he ignored one important factor in the introduction of products that are regulated by the central authorities. That is, the law must approve the product design, and thus for them to be adopted, they must pass through vetting processes which he had not done. The problem that he intended to address is not real as the road signs are usually installed facing the person who being directed. A driver coming from the opposite side of the road does not need to know what the sign reads. The same applies to the traffic lights.
He lacks the general intelligence in understanding the relationship between problem, solution, authority and market demand. He has spent a lot of time inventing a product that has no demand and solves nothing. Thus, it has zero commercial value.
Question 1e
The presentation entails the shifting paradigm in the education sector. The presenter explains various ways in which the modern student is different from the students in the past generation. On notable highlights is the students' ability to memorize visual displays with a high degree of accuracy. He noted that students tend to remember what they see with a high level of accuracy of about 90% as compared to 10% for typical lecturer/teacher's presentation. He criticizes the modern system terming it as irrelevant in preparing the students to cope with life challenges. He compares the traditional education system that resulted in different careers that lasted for longer to the modern multi-career individuals. He also voices his discomfort with the assessment system that targets to assess how much students can remember from what they learned.
According to the presenter, the current system does not equip the student with skills that are necessary to help them cope, leave alone triumphing in the life after school. He presented some 21 fluencies that are crucial for one to thrive after school. They include solution fluency, information fluency, creativity fluency, media fluency, and collaboration fluency. His concluding remarks were that the stakeholders should ensure that they are passing on knowledge that will equip the students with capacities to cope with their future and not our past.
Strengths and Weaknesses of My Solutions
The proposed solutions are ideal for reducing the amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The weakness of the presentation is that there are no ways of enforcing the solutions. Thus, the only way to get the population and as well the stakeholders to take the global warming issues seriously is through sensitization programs. Posting this in a public arena might capture the eyes of a stakeholder and thus prompting them to act. Given an opportunity, I would hand the presentation to the leaders in the department of environment for actions to be taken.