Old age is one of the most challenging stages of the life cycle as persons within this age group face the harsh realities of growing and becoming unwanted by many persons in their lives. The diet plan for the group is important as the elderly faces physical, mental and emotional stressors that affect their eating habits and in turn lower the level of nutrients in the body. Dietary care for the elderly is especially important as it is “the final stage of the normal life span” (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2016). The definition for this group of persons differs because of demography, including morbidity and mortality, sociology and employment and retirement. But, the common age boundaries for the elderly are defined as 60 or 65 years of age or older (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2016). This period marks the final stage of the life processes.
According to nutritionist, Ivy Morris nutritional problems in the elderly results in complications that weaken the immune system and lower the level of energy in the body and further cause chronic health problems in these persons. Therefore, it is necessary to create diets that will change the intake of calories and other nutrients so that the elderly can have a balanced diet that will foster proper growth and development.
Persons who care for the elderly and plan their diets must be cognizant of the daily nutrients that the elderly need in order to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. The diets of the elderly must include foods that are rich in magnesium, vitamins A, C, D and B12. Additionally, foods that are high in fiber, green leafy vegetables, low fat and non-fat milk, whole grains, and milk products are more important to the diets of the elderly as these products will help to replenish the lost nutrients. The elderly should avoid salt and instead eat foods that are seasoned with olive oil and herbs.
The elderly often have a strong craving for sweet. This craving should not be ignored, but instead of allowing elderly persons to consume artificial sweeteners, the elderly should be encouraged to eat foods that contain natural sweeteners such as fruits and foods that are cooked using sweet peppers. Finally, the elderly are often dehydrated and therefore, it is recommended that the elderly should be encouraged to consume at least 1.7 liters of liquid daily. Liquids often vitally important as the chronic medical conditions and medication lead to dehydration. Those who are conscious of overactive bladders become attuned to being thirsty and will avoid drinking water. But, dehydration leads to constipation, kidney failure, heat injuries and headaches and dizziness among others.
In concluding, the elderly require carefully prepared meals as the right balance of nutrients, liquids and vitamins in the body will help to alleviate common medical conditions. Green leafy vegetables and regular intake of water help to relieve constipation, headaches and dizziness. Milk and its by-products replenish the calcium that the body needs to maintain active bones structure. With this in mind, those who plan meals for the elderly must be aware of the nutritional needs of their patients and carefully plan these meals for the elderly.
Simple Diet Plan for the Elderly
Morris, Ivy (2016) Nutrition Problems in the Elderly, Healthy Eating, Demand Media, Retrieved
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, (2016) Old age, Retrieved from
http://www.britannica.com/science/old-age 19 Feb 2016