The topic selected for the overview of the existing literature is retaining millennial -understanding millennial engagement in the workforce and the purpose of the topic selected is to create a better understanding of how organizations achieve success by engaging young talent in projects in the workplace. The paper highlights the literature available for millennial perception about the workplace to get a broader understanding of retaining millennial in the workforce. With the advent of new standards of workforce management and demands of new generations, organizations have adapted to new millennial, and it has become essential to attract the new generation to become part of the workforce (Culiberg & MiheliA, 2016). The new millennial prefers working for the companies that help them in the development of analytical skills and leadership qualities. Organizations that foster innovative ideas and develop leaders intend to hire and retain the new millennial (Smith & Galbraith, 2012). Millennial engage themselves in the betterment of firm by ensuring that their work is interesting, and they promote the innovative ideas put forward by the new millennial. Appreciation and encouragement help the organization to retain young talent at the workforce.
According to Ertas (2015), organizations believing in flexibility and giving feedback to millennial tend to grow than those that criticize the workforce. Engaging the workforce in projects that help them understand and grow yield higher motivation and loyal citizenship behavior towards the organization. Young individuals go an extra mile to complete their job if the organization boosts and motivates them in the right manner. Big firms and companies train the younger generation for jobs since millennial try to give their 100%. The human resources management focuses on retaining young individuals in the workforce as they provide better results and increase the productivity of an organization. According to Perna (2012), with changes arising due to globalization, new technology, and socio-political and demographic advancements, it is essential for organizations to train the workforce for tomorrow. According to a study conducted by Singh, Bhandarker, & Rai (2012), every organization tends to promote the new millennial and younger generation in the workforce for attaining the desired targets set by experts.
Culiberg, B., & MiheliA, K. K. (2016). Three ethical frames of reference: insights into Millennials' ethical judgements and intentions in the workplace. Business Ethics: A European Review, (1), 94. doi:10.1111/beer.12106, 25(1), 94.
Ertas, N. (2015). Turnover Intentions and Work Motivations of Millennial Employees in Federal Service. Public Personnel Management, 44(3), 401-423. doi:10.1177/0091026015588193, 44(3), 401-423.
Perna, M. (2012). Attracting and retaining Millennials. Techniques, (6), 10, 87(6), 10.
Singh, P., Bhandarker, A., & Rai, S. (2012). Millennials and the Workplace: Challenges for Architecting the Organizations of Tomorrow. New Delhi: SAGE Publications India.
Smith, S. D., & Galbraith, Q. (2012). Motivating Millennials: Improving Practices in Recruiting, Retaining, and Motivating Younger Library Staff. The Journal Of Academic Librarianship, 38135-144. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2012.02.008, 38(1), 135-144.