On 3rd August 2011, the mater brought before the Houston City Council was that involving amendments to the Project Plan and Reinvestment Zone Financial Plan for Reinvestment Zone No. 17 (Memorial City Zone). This hearing was presided over by mayor Annise D. Parker. The City had forwarded amendments on the TIRZ Project and Financing to the Board of Directors of the Memorial City TIRZ which was approved on May 31, 2011 according to the Administration and Regulatory Affairs head, Mr. Ralph D. Leon. These amendments restated the goals and objectives of the original plan which included the original design and construction, roadways, public utilities, streets, public infrastructure and parks. The additions to the original plans were new provisions for design and construction of flood remediation infrastructure which would also include acquisition of property. As a result the budget for this project was set to increase to about $22 million (HSC 23).
The residents of Houston Texas had complained that some of the work being undertaken by the TIRZ Project was shoddy as some of the infrastructure they were putting in place was not serving their intended purpose. One example was presented by Ms. Lois Myers who gave out a handout and photographs to the council members that acted as evidence. Ms. Myers was complaining that the culverts constructed under the Bunker Hill Bridge were too small to allow for proper drainage of water and this led to the backing up of water which soon led to the overflow of the Pine Lake. This overflow led to the flooding of residential areas around the lake which resulted in loss and damage of property coupled with other risks and the discomfort of the residents. Another resident, Mr. Robert Bruce was present to give his testimony to the council. He complained that Drainage Ditch 153 was poorly constructed terming it as a narrow, shallow, crooked and brush soaked stream that was blocked by several fell trees that resulted in poor drainage and flooding of their homes (HSC 24). All council members voted unanimously for the proposed amendments that would ensure that necessary measures were taken to avoid any more hitches to the project. The project was also to be closely monitored by government agencies and the citizens so as to adhere with the regulations stipulated in the contract with the city.
Works Cited
Houston City Government [HSC]. City Council Chamber, City Hall, Tuesday, August 2, 2011. Prior Agendas and Minutes, 2 Aug, 2011. Web. 28 Sep. 2011. (http://www.houstontx.gov/citysec/agendas/2011/20110802.pdf)