Human’s worldview is influencing their ethical decisions. But Christian ethics worldview - depends only on the Gods word, and that is the basics of their acting. In the paper we will look through the case problem “Abortions” and analyze what does Christians believe in this case, and how probably they would act in this kind of situations.
What in scenario makes it difficult to make a decision?
In this case there are two difficulties. First difficulties that mother is really want to have her baby alive with here, and as we do know she had tried for a while to get pregnant, so that means that she was waiting for this period for really long time, and she does not actually want to lose her baby. The second difficulty is that she asks an advice from a human who s calling himself a doctor, and this human due to his world view, is saying that life is already full of unhappiness, and there is no need to bring sadness in to this world. This is dilemma of choice between love, and cold brain.
Two options resolving the scenario, providing the brief overview of what sort of ethical decision each option might make?
One of the scenarios is about making a decision to bring baby to world. The ethical decision in this case is that mother must be ready to face many problems, and she will need to work hard in order to make life of her baby more comfortable, and she might sacrifice here work and comfortable leaving to keep care of her child.
Second scenario is about killing a baby. After short procedure, she will lose this problem forever; the only thing that will remind her, what she had done is the ultrasound picture. Stopping the heart beating as an act of “mercy” (human meaning of that), so baby will not feel “world pain”, and face the feeling that she had killed her unborn baby.
What believes about God and humanity from Christian point view are relevant to this scenario?
“You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13) “In the first place, we must harm no one, either with hand or with deed”(Concordia 406). And Christians do believe that kids are a living humans, with soul from the beginning of creation “Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be» (Pslam 138:16).Christians do know, and do believe that God made humans. God is creating human being and giving him soul. Yes sometimes babies are dying in the mother’s womb, for many different reasons, but this is happening because of some reasons that people can’t control “As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed[a] in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” (Ecclesiastes 11:5) , but If mother kills here baby – this is direct killing of human being. With no chance for salvation, and this is not how Christians act. Christians will rely on God’s will.
How might this core worldview commitment of Christian’s influence one decision-making with regard to this scenario?
This will be the question of parent’s ability to pass this temptation in their life. I truly cannot imagine their feels and I don’t know all the pain of their heats, but I truly believe that true Christians will never even think about abortions, because God had given chance for any human being to be saved, so how than it can be, that this people who had received such a wonderful gift, would take life from own blood and heart? This is hard for mine understanding how parents can feel such despair that they are murdering their unborn kids. The reasons can be different, someone is doing it to protect kid from suffering, and someone is doing this to protect themselves, but anyway this is not right nor from Christians ethic side, nor from humanism question.
How should the person in the scenario act according to the Christian worldview?
What is the best course of action for a Christian?
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5). World is full of suffer, but there are no temptations that we cannot pass. Christians will act wisely. Reporters are writing that mothers who kept their kids are saying this words about their kids “"I love Grace and her Down syndrome and everything about her," she said. "I prided ourselves on our intellect. I had a boy and a girl and a handsome husband who is a hard worker. All that outward stuff I thought was important, but I don't find it so important today -- more that is a gift." (Donaldson 2009). They are happy with their choice, and we as a Christians should spread this information, that Down syndrome kids are the same kids, who what to feel love from parents, and who does feel happiness from different things. And beside of that we should point that abortion for the reason to kill small “problem” is total absolute sin, and sin is death.
What might be the unintended consequences and perceived benefits of the resolution purposed by the Christian worldview?
There can be a lot unintended consequences. As we do know, earlier Down syndrome was something that was spotting life of the any human being as a finished one, but we do also know that parents of such kids are always fighting for their lives, and they are trying to make their life easier and happier, and they had done pretty good results by now. Who knows maybe, if people would fight with God but not against God, maybe then they will find the way how to treat this problem? We can’t count how many abortions are going on right now, but I can guess that this numbers are close to millions. And what if this will be stopped? Millions of different personalities, writers, engineers, inventors God is giving chance for salvation even for worst sinner, so how can parents take this chance away from their kids?
How does the Christian worldview resolution compares to another option?
Christians worldview stands for taking all the hardness of the life with faith in God, and with relying on God. And on this they are standing on. During war or peace time, on the doctors table, and in healthy life, in problems or without. The thing is about taking care of each other and keeping love around. While evolutionists prefer to have no God. They are using their rational believes and brain to understand everything that is going around. From their point of view, human being is nothing more but animal with higher mental abilities. So for them the price for human beings is not really high because women can born more.
World is full of temptations and evil. And Christians are always dealing with them in that or another way. Because after sin has reached our heats there are many difficulties in our life. Some of such difficulties might take us away from God our Lord. Question about how ethical is to do abortions exists for centuries, and during all this time, Christians were fighting against that thing. But the power of Satan is great, and he is always giving more and more great Scientists who are saying that they do know hard answers on all questions, while Christians do know that they should “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). This is hard problem to be answered, but with faith we are doing this with no problems. So is actually with all ethical dilemmas. You shall not murder, and this is the final point of such discussions.
DONALDSON, S. J. (2009, November 2). Down Syndrome Births Are Down in U.S. Retrieved February 04, 2016, from http://abcnews.go.com/Health/w_ParentingResource/down-syndrome-births-drop-us-women-abort/story?id=8960803
Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, The Holy Bible: New International Version. 2005. Print.
McCain, P. T., Dau, W. H., & Bente, F. (2006). Concordia: The Lutheran confessions: A reader's edition of the Book of Concord. St. Louis, MO: Concordia Pub. House.