Magical Realism is way an author or composer tells a story. The story may not be realistic in nature, or the way we visually see it in reality. It is a caption that involves fantasy and magical elements that make it a different environment than real life. The setting in a magical realism story, literature composure, or music may involve things that would not be normal in our everyday life. The story may portray a fairy world where fairy’s live, and travel to other parts of the make believe world. It would not be factual and is considered to be fantasy fiction.
Magical Realism can be used to distinguish different ways to interpret the story that is being told. The story may be set in a real place but the line of how the story forms can be a magical formation. The reader would need to see what the author is portraying about the different aspects of the story. “A wonderful example of a story that is considered Magical Realism is called “The Master of Margarita” by Mikhail Bulgakov” . The book has been recognized as one of the best novels that represent Magical Realism of all time. The book was created in the late 1920’s but was not put in hard print with the full reading until the early 1960’s.
The types of story lines that are associated with Magical Realism is real world issues being shared in a fantasy character. These types of topics that are written, portray peoples’ perspectives of a world that is not reality from what we call normal. If the content of a story involves spirts then the person has had real experiences, and believe spirits are real.
Very Old Man with Enormous Wings
In this story there are a lot of different scenarios that relate to magical realism. An old man who had angel wings had gotten blown into the yard of a couple’s house. “The old man with angel wings was not able to move very well, and the couple put him in their chicken shed” . This represents a man is real, but a man who has angel wings is not something anyone would see in our real world. A women in the story had been turned into a spider by lightening because she had snuck out of her home as kid. A women who is a tarantula is not going to be real in everyday life, but the magical story it was not uncommon.
People who thought the angel had healing powers came to see him in the chicken shed. The men who came to see him wanted cured because of their illnesses, or issues that they could not get rid of. One man who get up from sleep at nighttime, and change the things he did while he was awake in the daylight. Another man was having problems sleeping because he thought the stars that were in the sky were keeping him form sleeping. The noise of the stars were not letting him get any rest. In magical realism of these illness is that they are not true in real life, but in the story they are a magical realism that people understand.
The women did not want any part of the man with angel wings in her house, and made him stay outside after the chicken shed fell apart. Near the end of the story; the old man had grown better and stronger wings. After some time he was able to fly away, and the couple was happy to see him go. They were afraid to that having an old man with angel wings was a bad omen, and was happy that he left. No one in the story seemed shocked, or surprised the old man grew new wings and left the town. In the real world this would not have been normal, and national news would have covered this type of story. The characters in the story were outrageous, but that is what made the storyline a magical realism tale.
Work Cited
Flintoff, Corey. "Bulgakov's 'Master' Still Strikes A Chord In Today's Russia." NPR (2015): 1-8.
Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings." Creative Writing (2007): 1-3.