Arguably, the Christian church has undergone tremendous changes since it began. As a matter of fact, these changes have led to the introduction of major divisions in the Christian church today. For many centuries, Christianity has undergone various divisions; this implies that, as years go by, churches divide and develop its distinctive practices, as well as beliefs. Perhaps, what causes this major division in the Christian church is the disagreement on certain beliefs or practices. Therefore, in many perspectives these major divisions of Christian churches have some similarities and differences. Generally, it is important noting these major divisions in the Christian church and as well identify important distinctions and commonalities (Fisher, 2010).
Perhaps, these major divisions in the Christian church include Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, as well as Anglicans. Each of these major divisions has their practices that identify them and creates a distinction from its original church (Fisher, 2010). In is evident that, these changes shares some commonalities because the Christian church has the same originality. It is also worth noting that, the major divisions in the Christian changes increase with time. For example, other divisions in the Christian church today include Baptists, Lutheran, Seven-day Adventists, as well as Presbyterian church. Most of these divisions in the Christian church began many years ago, but they are the major divisions in the Christian church today. The major divisions in the Christian church depend on the country, in that the census carried out shows a variation of these Christian divisions. These divisions have become very complex since it keeps on increasing.
In the 21st century, there are several developments in the Christian church; this is because there is tremendous growth of non-denominational and independent churches. This division's Christian church, which are independent and non-denominational bring together Christians from various backgrounds. This type of churches has very few commonalities with other major divisions in the Christian church today.
Conversably, these divisions of the Christian churches are considered the same religion because they agree and practice on the same fundamentals. The main similarities among these divisions of the Christian church are that they believe in one Supreme Being who is God. Moreover, these divisions are guided by the Bible in following the teachings, as well as the direction of the Holy book. Another commonality among these major divisions is that they believe in the Trinity, these are God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As a matter of fact, followers of these major divisions in the Christian church believe in life after death and the judgment day.
On the other hand, there are difference that exists among these major divisions in the Christian church (Fisher, 2010). The hierarchy of leadership is one of the main differences among these churches. For example, the Catholic Church hierarchy of leadership begins from God and followed by the pope. Other divisions of the Christian church do not believe in the pope. In addition, the churches differ on the various teachings and beliefs. The orthodox and the Catholic Church venerate and honor Virgin Mary as a holy icon, whereas Protestants do not honor her at all. The order and the way of worship also differ among these major divisions. Based on analysis, some of these major divisions have a specific order of worship that is universal in the entire world, while others have a different way of worship. Most of the differences in this division of the Christian church are the reasons why there were divisions.
Fisher, M. (2010). Living Religions the 8th Edition. London: Prentice Hall