Summary of the Intersection Analysis
Summary of the Intersection Analysis
Planning use of collected date for completing an intersection analysis (IA) requires use of the four data measures intersecting in the target school with implications for continuous school improvement. The following provides the intended use of the final collection of data forming a profile of the target school project for this course of study
Problem solving as part of the differentiation process in educational goals of teaching/learning uses data collected through needs assessment, professional collaboration, and reflection building a profile of the target issue in the school with the ensuing information. This profile gives better understanding of what goes on across the board as well as assists assessing teaching activities influencing those people the program serves. With the four-way analysis prediction of what remains needed for meeting the needs of the learners therefore looks at the current situation existing in the school focused on identifying the teaching/learning gaps or gap analysis (GA) and developing effective solutions. This arises from finding the root cause (RC) of identified GA teaching/learning issues. In this part of the intersection analysis process the analysis provides the cause and effect of the teaching/learning gaps and allows creating a diagram exhibiting these gaps along with creating an affinity diagram. Assessment results exhibit examples identified by the problem analysis teams. Consequently, administering a force field analysis (FFA) uses an effective tool because it allows targeting elimination of the identified restraining forces holding down the effective intentions of teaching in meeting students’ learning needs. In conclusion, doing these measures of analysis of information allows a continuous school improvement methodology through information intersection analysis