Washing of hands should be made a important aspect of the students college life. The washing of hands will deter the occurrence of chronic diseases that usually affect the students and thus interfere with their learning. This essay paper shows why the washing hands should be each student’s vital focus in their day-to-day lives.
The wash your hands activity is going to take place in the campus and its main aim is to encourage the students to engage in the hand washing activities. I intend to bolster the claim that hand washing saves life’s by adding certain elements into the poster. The posters will be put in strategic places where they will be visible to all the students. In the posters I intend to add an element of a person who is suffering from diarrhea. This image is intended to show the devastating effects that the failure to wash hands has on a person’s health. Diarrhea occurs because of people eating unwashed foodstuffs and failure to clean hands when they eat. Diarrhea has major effects on the body of an individual as a lot of water and salts are lost. The body becomes dehydrated and many essential nutrients needed by the body are lost in the process. Using this element of a person, suffering from diarrhea my claims will be bolstered as it will make more and more people engage in hand washing activities. This will be through showing them the grim effects of the failure to do so. The elements are used to encourage people to engage in hand washing activities when they prepare to eat or when cooking their food.
The use of an individual coming out of the loo is another element I will use to bolster my claims. Many people especially in the learning institutions rarely wash their hands through either ignorance or forgetting to do so. By strategically placing these posters in loo areas, I intend to change this trend in great extents. The people or students coming from the loos will be met first by the poster and this will force them to clean their hands .This will in turn reduce the effects of failure to clean the hands.
I also intend to use a graphical representation of the numbers of sick and dead people as a result of the failure to clean hands. This is aimed at encouraging the stubborn people that failure to wash hands has grave effects like cholera that is fatal. The number of those people cleaning their hands will increase significantly.
The main idea behind this work is to come up with lasting solutions to the ever disturbing effects of not cleaning the hands. The lasting solutions can only be achieved by first educating the students on the benefits of regularly cleaning their hands. The same will also be achieved by educating them on the adverse effects of not doing so. The lasting solutions include placing tanks at strategic points within the school compound where students can clean their hands regularly and using disinfectants. The strategic points include around the loo areas and the dining areas.
The attributes I chose to add in my poster was because they represent the true picture and effects of the problem. This is through evidential proof such as statistics from the hospitals using the graph. This will convince the students that there are repercussions of not washing the hands. The attribute of an individual coming out of a loo was meant to sensitize the loo users on the dangers of not cleaning the hands. The loo is a major factor in causing diseases attributed with the failure to clean hands. This was also important as every individual uses the loo at one point or another and failure to clean hands can affect any person. The use also of an individual suffering from diarrhea was also meant to sensitize the students on the dangers and effects of not cleaning the hands.
The elements of argument in the essay are that washing the hands is an important activity in the life of a human being. To ensure that they live healthy they have to ensure that their surrounding’s and the food that they eat are clean but they should start by first cleaning their own hands. The health sector recommends the cleaning of hands as an important aspect of preventing many of the diseases caused by germs as a result of not cleaning the hands. The ministry o health has also launched campaigns to synthetize on the importance of washing the hands around the country.
In the posters, I have used both dark and bright colors as a catchy effect to the eyes of the students. The bright color is meant to attract the students to the post while the dark effect of colors is to show the effect of failure to adhere to the message of the poster. I have used calligraphy in the writing to make the text appear entertaining to the students and in the course of reading it, they get the message.
Hand washing is an important act in the maintenance of the health of an individual. Hand washing should be introduced in every school program to encourage the student to clean their hands after using the loo and before eating. This will ensure that their learning is not interrupted by the sick sessions.