Inspired by the fact that I will be graduating in 2014, I endear to develop a career development plan which is in tandem with my educational backgrounds and capabilities. As time advances and I near graduation, a lot of questions race through my mind as to whether I have acquired all the essential skills and knowledge pertaining my course of study. So far I have gained a lot from the university and the lecturers. My major in criminology is on the right track and a further aspiration to study HRD for my masters will be possible after graduation thanks to Abu Dhabi Police scholarship.
In this regard, and as a precautionary measure I have to develop a career plan to guide me through all the advancements of education until I reach the where I want. This paper explores the current status of my education and capabilities, and a plan on how to handle future advancements.
I am a senior student at Indiana State University pursuing B.S. Criminology major and a minor in Human Resource Development. Being a senior implies that my graduation is approaching fast. There are numerous concerns and issues that pertaining the final lap of my university education. I am starting to question my eligibility to adapt to the highly dynamic world and deliver as per the expectations.
First and foremost, I plan to complete my education and graduate at Indiana State University by May 2014. I am currently winding up my project which I will present before the end of the semester. In the next semester I will finalize my studies here and wait for graduation. Since I am already employed as a police officer and I am at Indiana State University under study leave program, I am presenting my credentials to the Human resource department to evaluate if will be eligible to start my masters degree immediately after graduating.
I am employed as a police officer by the Abu Dhabi police. They have accorded me the opportunity to advance my education by offering me a scholarship at the Indiana State University. As a way of reciprocating the opportunity they have accorded me, I have to deliver academically and outside in the field as a whole-rounded person. Security matters are complicated and it calls for operational, technical, managerial and psychological knowhow. Immediately after my graduation I plan to pursue a master’s degree in human resource development. This will further my knowledge on how to manage and relate with people of all kinds.
Career coaching and counseling is an important aspect that cannot be sidelined in career growth and advancement. Human resourced and counseling 420 class supplements this component. Before the class, I was not sure what to pursue for masters after graduation. Immediately I enrolled in the class, and with the help of Dr. Wiliamson, I developed a clear view of what complements my skills and capabilities. Criminology is a tight course involving the study of crime related aspects. Its application in the field is highly dynamic as crimes keep on evolving every other day. In order to keep pace, it is necessary to study the human behavior. Human resource management in my view is a perfect complement of my major. This I reached after consultation with career professionals and the Abu Dhabi police service. Building a career in human resource development is essential and is in line with my aspirations to become an accomplished manager of the police resources. After my graduation, I expect a promotion to a higher rank of which management skills are important.
As earlier outlined, I envisage a promotion immediately after graduation. The Abu Dhabi police service is more than willing to grant me an extended study leave to pursue my master. I therefore stand to benefit both financially through the scholarship and career wise. My first immediate goal is to graduate by May 2014. Depending on the response of the university in respect to continuation with my master’s degree, I aspire to enroll and commence immediately.
The university requires 3 years experience as an eligibility requirement for master in HRM – of which I readily qualify having worked in the force for five years. Following the same trend, I expect to complete the first stage of my master’s degree by May 2015 (two semesters inside campus) and head to the field to conduct a research for the thesis. After my master’s I expect to permanently move to Abu Dhabi and occupy a senior position in the police service of which I will serve the nation diligently.
Mentors are inevitable in the career path. They are the pillars upon which we lean on as we move up. Karim Hassan is a senior police officer in Abu Dhabi whom has spends more than 20 years in the force. Karim has been instrumental in guiding me through the career path. I look up to him as a model, mentor and a father. He guides me and advices me well on making life changing decisions in life.
Another outstanding mentor who has been guiding me through my education is the Head of Human Resource department at Indiana State University. Elena Sapina is a PHR accredited member who has played a greater role in advising me on career choice.
Networking is an essential aspect in career development and growth. Working in the field of security is much more demanding and needs a constant refreshment of knowledge from different sources. I am currently involved in numerous networking activities in and out of the university. Through forums, workshops, webinars and closed door meetings, I have significantly horned my skills in numerous security matters. Computer and internet security is one side of security that has advanced over the years with new and potentially destructive threats coming up every day. As a result, networking and interaction with various personnel from diverse fields have significantly advanced my career. I am currently subscribed to LinkIn, TechTarget, and ComputerWeekly.
My career as a security agent is gaining momentum thanks to institutions such Abu Dhabi police, Indiana State University, persons such as mentors and family. When I graduate in May 2014, I will continue with my master’s program as I render my services as an Abu Dhabi police agent. My work is inclined to cyber security and forensic science among other fields.
After completion of my master’s I would like to relocate permanently to Abu Dhabi where I will occupy a senior position at the police service. This is possible in the next three to five years. On the sidelines, I would like to set up a security consultancy firm that details in analyzing cyber crime and scene of crime forensic evidence. This has been my lifelong aspiration apart from working for the service. Because I endear to be a manager some day and manage government resources and that of my private firm, human resource management skills are needed in handy. I hope that after five years, I would have gained enough experience and knowledge to be on the higher ranks of the Abu Dhabi police service as well as manage my private firm after retirement.
It is imperative that a career plan is the road upon which I will reach my destination. This road defines the way I am taking, speed, support and resources and strategic measures to bypass challenges. My career is hinged on essential personnel such as mentors, colleagues, institutions and family. This plan is a summary of how to get to my destination. Developing a career plan is the foundation of attaining career growth and development that all year for. Mentors helps in guiding a person conduct self assessment and evaluation of what is likeable. Since a lot of factors come into play while choosing a career, a misplaced choice will ruin the entire career due to its prohibitive tendency. No want likes to develop a career they are not interested at.
In conclusion, a career plan is the foundation of success. Career educational books and sites indicate that career planning is important in a person’s life since it defines the necessary aspects of development. Education is of equal importance in a career. I am proud that with the help of Indiana State University, Abu Dhabi police service and mentors, I will complete my education and advance to another level of my career.