Question one
What market segment did Wilkinson decide to pursue growth? How did they learn more about this market segment? What did they learn?
Initially, Wilkinson pursued a range of products in food, office, garden, home, health and beauty. Growth opportunities pushed Wilkinson to pursue supermarket produce, groceries as well as creating the Wilkson brand. The company started to sell the new products after learning that labor saving devices were on demand and that customers wanted to purchase more conveniently. This prompted them to include toiletries, toys, perfumes and clothing in their products list. In pursuing the above strategies, Wilkinson came to gain more profits since most of these new products attracted many customers (Business Case Studies, 2012).
Question two
How did Wilkinson respond to what they learned in the research? How did this game segment respond to their promotions?
After undertaking the research, Wilkison came up with a marketing strategy that ensured customers got what they wanted at all times. The company came up with a business plan giving out the aims, objectives, strategy, and tactics to use in increasing their competitive ability. In addition, Wilkison came up with the Ansoff’s strategic planning that takes care of the current markets and new markets. The business came up with various promotion strategies that saw the company expand at a very high rate. The promotions created more awareness of Wilkison brands in the market, making more students purchase the goody bags and other products (Business Case Studies, 2012).
Question three
Contrast the reasons Wilkinson and Enterprise Rent-a-Car performed market research.
Rent-a-Car is a service provision business while Wilkison deals with the sale of goods, therefore; the two businesses have totally different reasons for undertaking the market research. To start with, Wilkison aimed at introducing the new brand to the market while the Rent-a-Car Company carried the marketing strategy to satisfy her customers. On the other hand, being a service provision company, Rent-a-Car’s market research focused most on specific customers, however for Wilkison, the market research was open to all although, they took most data from students (Business Case Studies, 2012).
Question four
Why was Enterprise's survey considered so novel? How does the case study demonstrate the company was following the motto of the founder which argues that profit comes automatically after taking care of customers and employees in a company?
The Enterprise’s survey demonstrated a situation whereby the entrepreneurs are always focused on customer satisfaction. This is evidence from the data collected since most customers gave a positive respond towards an Enterprise Rent-a-Car showing they were satisfied by their services. The company took care of its customers first, following the motto of the founder, the employees were also proud to be associated with the enterprise. In so doing, the enterprise made more profits from the services provided (Business Case Studies, 2012).
Business Case Studies. (2012). Marketing Strategy for Growth: A Wilkinson Case Study.
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Business Case Studies. (2012). The importance of customer service at Enterprise Rent-A-Car.
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