“The Few. The Proud. The Marines.” This is a well-known, long standing slogan for the Marine Corps military recruiting campaign; originations dating back to 1799 (Szoldra, 2015). This slogan wishes to draw attention to the promise of creating one with an elite social status. Through many centuries of recruiting, and many slogan trials, this slogan has stood the test of time and creates familiarity by mere existence. Now consider the latest slogan being launched by the US Marine Corps, “Toward the Sound of Chaos” (Dao, 2012). The marketing method unfolds by focusing on something that is found in endless supply – chaos. Illuminating the ideology that no one will know when chaos will strike, but Marines will be there to address accordingly (Dao, 2012). The Marine Corps conducts their advertising campaign through numerous avenues, even enlisting contracted support from companies like J. Walter Thompson, Mindshare, UniWorld Group and SocialSphere (Kobzev, 2015). One of the most pronounced and successful marketing campaigns, an analysis of the marketing techniques employed therein may prove bountiful. This article will assess the advertising planning, marketing segmentation, and marketing mix that the US Marine Corps distinguishes their success maintained in recruitment strategies.
In first taking further investigation into advertising planning one need consider slogans, given that the Marine Corps slogan has lasted three decades and still stands strong, one may consider other slogans that Marine Corps have engaged. Of these slogans include “First to Fight”, “Tell that to the Marines”, “If everybody could get into the Marines, it wouldn’t be the Marines”, or “The Marine Corps builds Men” (Szoldra, 2015). These slogans take highlights of the actual activities, or terms quoted through these activities performed by the Marine Corps and adorned them for marketing techniques. The slogans evoke a sense of pride for affiliation with the Marine Corp and becoming a strong Marine soldier. These slogans draw on emotional appeal and draw on internal pride.
The marketing slogan techniques are also comprised of cultural awareness. Cultural awareness can be seen specifically through the slogan that claims building Men its achievement. In today’s society there are numerous pressures on male individuals to prove they can be a “Man” and the US Marine Corps takes this cultural identifier to their advantage in marketing recruitment. The slogans are very focused on the strength and fortitude involved with affiliation to the Marin Corp. The slogans in the Marine Corp marketing campaign instill ideas of power, class and toughness in young American men - for recruiting purposes. These ideas are all desirable qualities for American boys when embracing the idea of becoming a “Man.” While these slogans may not be effective on recruiting woman to the Marine Corp, the slogans are very effective when targeting young men for recruitment.
Thus moving into marketing segmentation; the Marine Corps have implemented the corroboration of marketing companies in order to strengthen its recruitment marketing techniques. J. Walter Thompson is a company that has been enlisted by the US Marine Corps for over 65 years (How the Marine Corps Enlists Big Data for Recruitment Efforts, 2012). Through the efforts of commissioning recruitment in the industry via “big data” the Marine Corps has transformed their marketing efforts with the changing times. Currently the US Marine Corps have not only transformed from a “partially-drafted to all-volunteer”, they also have opened branches within to incorporate “ranks to more Hispanics than ever before” (How the Marine Corps Enlists Big Data for Recruitment Efforts, 2012). Big data is thus achieved via “direct interactions through email or digital ads, third-party demographic data, 2010 Census data, voter file data and behavioral and purchase transaction data from outside sources” (How the Marine Corps Enlists Big Data for Recruitment Efforts, 2012). According to Lt. Colonel Hernandez, part of the marketing success remains in defining “correlation between groups of people who have similar interests” (How the Marine Corps Enlists Big Data for Recruitment Efforts, 2012). This statement holds true for most any industry selling any number of products.
Though implemented by US Marine Corps through marketing segmentation, marketing mix is another contributing factor in the success of recruitment marketing strategies. Through the segmentation of commissioning SocialSphere the US Marine Corps are developing further through technological advancements. Given that society is highly regulated and perpetuated through social media the Marine Corps have thus tapped into this medium in order to recruit new Marines. Social media engines, such as Twitter, are part of the Marine Corps marketing mix and shows to be incredibly effective. Such platforms allow for the transfer of information to potential volunteers, as well as, track the activities and achievements of potential prospects as well. (Perkins, 2015)
The US Marine Corps has incorporated extensive multi company collaboration, research, and implemented growing technological advancements within their marketing ploys for recruitment. Success has been proven through the times in which US Marine Corps has enhanced their strategies while maintaining a certain level of dignity and respect found nationwide. If any entity exemplifies the ideal advertising campaign, it is the United States Marine Corp with the variety and multi-purpose campaigns launched to recruit more soldiers. The marketing campaign stands alone as a success and the recruitment of individuals for the US Marine Corp continues to flourish. With time the US Marine Corp marketing campaign will only get better and more diverse in the recruitment strategies. The US Marine Corp marketing techniques are well known and recognized throughout the nation.
Dao, J. (2012, March 09). Ad Campaign for Marines Cites Chaos as a Job Perk. Retrieved August 25, 2016, from http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/10/us/marines-marketing-campaign-uses-chaos-as-a-selling-point.html?_r=0
How the Marine Corps Enlists Big Data for Recruitment Efforts. (2014, January 13). Retrieved August 25, 2016, from http://adage.com/article/datadriven-marketing/marine-corps-enlists-big-data-recruitment/291009/
Kobzev, A. (2015, February 3). UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS AWARDS NEW ADVERTISING SERVICES CONTRACT TO LONGTIME PARTNER J. WALTER THOMPSON. Retrieved August 25, 2016, from https://www.jwt.com/en/worldwide/news/unitedstatesmarinecorpsawardsnewadvertisingservicescontracttolongtimepartnerjwalterthompson/
Perkins, D. (2015, April 7). Corps-social-media-engagement | MarineCorpsTimes. Retrieved August 25, 2016, from https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/story/military/2015/04/07/corps-social-media-engagement/70783400/
Szoldra, P. (2015, February/March). The 8 most iconic Marine Corps recruiting slogans. Retrieved August 25, 2016, from http://www.wearethemighty.com/articles/the-8-most-iconic-marine-corps-recruiting-slogans