Business analysis
The performance of any business is duly analyzed by its nature and features. Ideally, there is the business is analyzed internally and externally. That is; this report has been analyzed in terms of the internal features and external environment of the business.
Vision and mission
First, the vision and mission of the business has not been clearly stated. Ideally, the mission of the business does not outline the major focus of sustaining the market and equitable performance. Because the mission does not have a hold of these issues, and then the company’s workers do not have an incentive to work cohesively. Failure to have a clear mission and vision has engineered coherent failure to meet the targets.
General market analysis
Competitors and buyers approach
First, the marketing strategy has registered an unexpected poor outcome. First, the competitors are doing better. This is because the marketing strategy is poor. For instance, the segmentation of the market has been done poorly. Competitors have been actively involved in working together to achieve the objectives. In addition, these competitors have been in a position to provide comparative services that have been outdoing our engineered products. To overcome the competition from other businesses, and then marketing strategies will have to be incorporated. For instance, the competitor’s source of competition is the use of media to advertise their brand products.
Market segmentation and positioning approach
The market scope is large. Similarly, the marketing segmentation is one of the approaches via which the business has failed. However, the strategy that is being implemented by other outstanding businesses in history has instituted. It is important to involve, actively, the strategy of Business to Business (B2B), as well as, Business to Customers. Currently, the strategy has been showing steady but slow business strategy. The business is hopefully, going to indicate an improvement in marketing.