Television: Technology and Cultural Form is a book written by Raymond Williams, published in 1974 and it deals with the broadcasting system in Britain and America. Williams accentuates modern technology as a means of mass communication and its cultural impact on the world. The author’s main point is that modern mass communication and its products are beneficial for the society as a whole.
Media constitute an influential part of the modern world and they have historical, political and economic impact, which change through the course of time. The technology of mass communication serves economic and political goals because of its influence on the public opinion. There is no doubt that television has changed the world as a whole: “In the same way, people often speak of a new world, a new society, a new phase of history, being created – ‘brought out’ – by this or that new technology: the steam-engine, the automobile, the atomic bomb” (Williams 9). Therefore, television was a breakthrough in the world in which the new world order was supposed to establish and promote commercial, scientific and military achievements. The commercial effect of television became prevalent because of the possibilities of television to shape public opinion. People regard broadcasting as an integral part of the society and as a source or reliable information.
There is a close connection between the society and technology and television works as a connection in this environment. Williams says that this situation:“ proves to be no more than a set of particular social decisions, in particular circumstances, which were then so widely if imperfectly ratified it is now difficult to see them as decisions rather than as (retrospectively) inevitable results” (Williams 23). The broadcasting system was well implemented and the mass media became an intrinsic part of modern society. The information flows and most of the texts are of commercial nature whether they are intended to sell product, services or political decisions. This flow creates a specific meaning for a culture and people are used to it so they accept the programs on a subconscious level as well. They rarely question the material they see on television because it is regarded as reliable and credible. The broadcasting technologies were created with the purpose of establishing influence on people’s minds and that people should be educated to seek for their rights in such a world.
Communication technologies were created intentionally and Williams suggests that the public should have influence on the program and the content of television broadcasting. People’s lives are impacted in a serious ways and they need to be involved in the decision making process. Television is responsible for the centralization of information and for advertising techniques which could be potentially harmful for the citizens, but who accept them because of the persuasiveness of media. Democracy is the key concept in this system and people need to take part and have their say in the process of creating information and making decisions. Communication technologies might turn against people and serve only transnational corporations and their interests instead of protecting the rights of people. The effect of television is important to analyze because some people believe that communication technology brings people together, while others, like Williams disagree and believe that people need to make effort to be included in the process of creating the media content: “What is really significant is the direction of attention to certain selected issues – on the one hand ‘sex’ and ‘violence’, on the other hand ‘political manipulation’ and ‘cultural degradation’” (Williams 119). None of these concepts is moral because people should not be manipulated through media and their feelings should not be targeted.
The downside of communication technology, especially of television, is that common people do not have impact on the development of the content which is broadcast. Williams believes that it is possible for people to find their way through the democratic processes, but it is difficult in the world in which everything changes so quickly. Moreover, “What is usually asked about television is what influence it has by comparison with other influences. All these influences – television, the home, the school, the press, work – are assumed as discrete though then conceded to interact” (Williams 125). Therefore, public opinion is influenced from numerous sides and television is only one of them although it might be the most influential because it works on the subconscious level as well. What is mostly true for television is that it has a hazardous impact on people welfare because the programs are created for the purpose of promoting great corporations which rule the world.
Television is a cultural form and it is inseparable from other social influences that people meet in real life situations. Their minds are shaped in accordance with the societal norms which serve the purpose of the rule of the influential minority. It is important for the citizens to be able to develop critical thinking skills and not to consume the television programs in a way which would undermine their own well-being. New media is supposed to bring people together and help them build a sustainable society which is in the best interest of all the people in the world.
Works Cited
Williams, Raymond. Television: Technology and Cultural Form. New York: Schocken Books, 1975. Print.