1. Is MaxCloud a Salesforce.com competitor?
Both MaxCloud and Salesforce.com offer cloud based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions to firms. However, a comparison of both companies shows that MaxCloud ERP systems are easier to learn, have effective value delivery, take advantage of business opportunities and drive user involvement and innovations across an organization. The rapid deployment, fixed price, security, reliability, completeness and industry specific nature of MaxCloud ERP systems is a major boost compared to SalesForce.com which lacks in scalability and flexibility especially in reporting relevant buying patterns to customers. The security side of SaleForce.com is also poor and information hosted in the cloud has been made vulnerable to phishes a number of times. It is therefore evident that both companies are competitors but MaxCloud evidently has an upper hand with news of an estimated 38% of SalesForce.com planning to leave the company in the near future.
2. Companies best suited for cloud based sales and marketing ERP.
Cloud based sales and marketing ERP systems are ideally designed to suit subsidiaries of large corporations and Small and Medium scale Enterprises (SMEs). Larger companies can also utilize the cloud ERP’s but most prefer to have on-premise ERP systems since they benefit from economies of scale in terms of management, operational costs and scalability.
Cloud based sales and marketing ERP systems are suited for both companies with high mobile sales force and those using the call center type sales model. If the customers are many and tasks that are frequently performed are also many, the highly mobile sales force can be implemented since it easier to automate. A call center model would be best when personalized service is required such as sale of medication or when customers are few to avoid telephone line congestion and ensure efficient service delivery.
3. MaxCloud and Brand Advocacy.
Brand advocacy is the recommendations of a brand to consumers made by third party influencer groups. These sources can be the media, product reviews, professional consultants and other advocates such as other consumers. MaxCloud on the other hand assesses consumer experience on the products they market and thus offer brand advocacy on their entire product line and solution offerings. This is done through a framework and methodology which focuses on customer interaction and relationships with the companies utilizing the cloud.