Regression and Correlation Regression analysis examines the association among two or more sets of paired variables the paired variables are dependent and independent to each other. The correlation measure the relationship between two variables. The correlation defines the strength of the variables. The strength varies from -1 to +1. Regression analysis shows the effect of change of independent on the dependent variable. The regression analysis is also used to predict the values of dependent variable when the values of independent variable are given (Cohen,, 2013). The regression and correlation both measure the linear relationship.Article Review The article review for the discussion is “Common Genetic Influences on Negative Emotionality and a General Psychopathology Factor in Childhood and Adolescence” by Tackett, J.L, 2013. The article scrutinizes the extent to which the general factor of psychopathology shares phenotypic variation with the dispositional trait of negative emotionality.Population The typical population for the reviewed article is N=1,569 families. The region of the population is Tennessee. The five metropolitan statistical areas are considered in the article. The areas are Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga and Bristol. The three different twin pairs are considered for the article. The twin pairs are monozygotic, same- sex dizyotic and opposite sex dizygotic. The stratified random sampling was used where age and geographical region was the stratum.
Reliability and Validity The two different measures “The Child and Adolescent Psychopathology scale” and “Child and Adolescent Dispositions Scale” were assessed for dispositional and traits and psychopathology symptoms. These two measures were conducted in computerized assisted interviews by highly trained lay interviews (Tackett,, 2013). The correlation between internalizing psychopathology (depression and anxiety) and high pro sociality, low daring and negative emotionality was hypothesized. Therefore, the validity and reliability of measure is higher and controlled.
Cohen, J., Cohen, P., West, S. G., & Aiken, L. S. (2013). Applied multiple regression/correlation analysis for the behavioral sciences. Routledge.
Tackett, J. L., Lahey, B. B., Van Hulle, C., Waldman, I., Krueger, R. F., & Rathouz, P. J. (2013). Common genetic influences on negative emotionality and a general psychopathology factor in childhood and adolescence. Journal of abnormal psychology, 122(4), 1142. Retrieved from: