Media has been linked to exploitations that mimic examples shown in Ayn Rand’s book “Atlas Shrugged.” One of Rand’s themes is “original sin”. Examples of this concept are prevelant in the media. As American’s we are frequently exposed to violence and hyper-sexualized media. This exploitation seems to be growing. These sinful behaviors are often “glamorized” sending a message of acceptance of sin to the public. Rand states“In this world, either you're virtuous or you enjoy yourself. Not both, lady, not both.” ( Rand,1999, 37) This statement is very relevant to today’s media, America has changed it’s concept of entertainment to incorporate ideas of sin. Greed is also a result of commercialization in the media. In our capitalist environment , we are programmed by the media to think that more is better. Our desire to pursue wealth and obtain prestige is remicent of Rand’s expose of society.
Rand also condemn’s altrusism. This is most prevelant in America’s portrayal of politics in the media. Press frequently relates policy change as a way to help the less fortunate while in reality the results could lead to higher taxes. The idea that American’s need a “glossed” over concept of altruism in the media presents many concerns as to whether what is being portrayed in the media is indeed the reality.
Objectiveism is often seen through media bias. The media control of information and opinion means that media can also suppress this information to create either a negative or positive image. Political parties and social ideals all contribute to this bias. Athe use of media to say opinions to one side of the other employee bias on a regular basis. Rand states, “If one's actions are honest, one does not need the predated confidence of others.”(Rand,1999, 146) I find this statement the most telling in regards to the media, unfortunately in today’s society this is not all always practiced.
Works Cited:
Rand, A. (1999). Atlas shrugged. Plume.