Thesis: Teen magazines create a hype which misleads young girls from understanding the world around them to self-abuse.
1. Topic: Through the flood of beauty articles, misleading advertisements, and relationship stories, teen magazines dumb-down young females into mindless Barbie dolls.
Findings: The role of the media has come in for criticism from various segments of society for its negative influence on society for various reasons, and magazines post advertisements that show young, vibrant, and portray women posing with a contagious smile on their face, as though there was nothing more that they needed in life.
2. Topic: Tiger Beat, Cosmo Girl, Teen People, and Seventeen are all fairly similar, and are marketed to the same audience.
Findings: From a survey, it was found that almost all these magazines advertised a number of weight loss advertisements, which influenced their readers’ considerably. Magazines such as Tiger Beat, Cosmo Girl!, Teen People, and Seventeen misguide young girls who are taught to believe the world is nothing but one of glamour.
3. Topic: The findings of the study on weight loss advertisements were disturbing.
Findings: Magazines and certain other media advertisements say that, to be successful, young girls “must be passive, thin, attractive, and sexy to be happy” (Pasanen 1). This is totally wrong. They end up trying various means to reduce their weight in order to look like the models in the advertisements, and in the bargain, compromise on their health.
4. Topic: Magazines such as Seventeen and Cosmo Girl feature young ladies who are overweight, or short, or have big noses or small eyes as beautiful too..
Findings: This shows that all that these magazines want to do is influence the minds of these young girls to believe that life is all about being pretty and presentable. Their looks and features is what will lead them to happiness, but on the contrary, it disillusions these young girls from developing their personality from intelligence and self-respect, to being glamour dolls.