Dealing with mentally challenged patients is difficult due to its demand to the practitioner initiating the medical procedures. The nursing profession has been part of the efforts of providing quality service for patients in mental institutions. The journal Proposed nurse-led initiatives in improving physical health of people with serious mental illness: a survey of nurses in mental health aims to promote the perspective of nurses in improving the condition of mental patients through different nursing approaches made to improve physical health. The study revealed that there was a high appreciation for the nine proposed strategies such as physical health including programs focusing in the lifestyle of the patients. The participants of the study view the approaches as beneficial in the development of a more promising service for mental institutions. The study made use of a national, cross-sectional and nonrandom research approach.
The study is significant for the improvement of the mental health services because it creates a multi-professional contribution to the bettering of the already present service. It proves that taking care of consumers require health professionals such as nurses to practice constant communication and health agencies. It is important to take note that the mental health services provided by different countries are in need of improvement due to the complexity of the admissions they are receiving. Dealing with mentally ill patients is difficult because mental illnesses affect people differently. The integration of nursing practices makes the services of mental institution more holistic because it adds more perspective in the development of intervention. Taking care of the physical health of mentally ill patients is very important because these patients are more prone to the development of physical illnesses. Some people forget the importance of preserving a good physical fitness for patients because they are too focused on the mental aspect. It is not wrong to give importance on the main problem; however the negligence of the physical aspect may lead to more serious health problems in the future. The addition of physical care to the patients allows the patients to feel more ‘normal’ because they are not isolated from the normal activities of society. The incorporation of a more active lifestyle for mental health patients allows the patients to heal through interaction and socialization.
Based on the study, it showed that the nurses asked during the data collecting proper prefer to encourage their patients towards a healthier lifestyle. 98% of the responses gathered from the study highlights the significance of instilling within the patients a healthier lifestyle in order to improve their physical health, The actions involving the proposed addition mentions the addition of activities with patients to improve their physical movement. The main goal of mental institutions is to help people overcome their mental challenge and be able to integrate themselves once again back to society. If they are treated as if they are different, it will difficult for them to see the need to help themselves. It is not advisable to isolate them because it only makes things worse for the patients.
In conclusion, it is important to put effort into the development of health service no matter what professions, because it will benefit the greater public. It provides a more comprehensive health care for people with serious mental illnesses. Mental patients are more susceptible to the contraction of chronic diseases because of the decrease in care for their personal well-being. Studies such as this journal validates the importance of adding cross-professional interventions and practices to programs practiced in mental institutions.
Happel B, Platania-Phung C, Scott D (2014). Proposed nurse-led initiatives in improving physical health of people with serious mental illness: a survey of nurses in mental health J Clin Nurs. 2014 Apr;23(7-8):1018-29. doi: 10.1111/jocn.12371. Epub 2013 Oct 8