Methodology chapter
Employee leadership styles are significant since they help the organization in accomplishing its goals. Besides, employee leadership styles are vital for job satisfaction (Vestal, 2009). As a result the research needs to conduct an in-depth review of employee leadership styles and come up with a quantitative conclusion which will be applied in the organization and other similar organization within the industry (Welbourne, 2007).
Several general orientation exists about the nature of research and how to execute different studies. This research will take a positivism approach. In this case, different theories of leadership will be reviewed, and the research will adopt positions from different theories to work with available data and the observable reality in the organization (Kissing & Harvey, 2005). This approach is significant for this case because, in this study, the reality is observed and described form an objective point of view (Kissing & Harvey, 2005). Through this process, the research will not be interfering with any variables in the research. Therefore, the research will rely on the respondent to provide truthful data. The research aims to get objectivity through strict methodology.
General design
This research will carry out a quantitative survey that will be used in identifying and defining the effect of leadership styles and employee engagement in governmental organizations (Ministry of Education in Kurdistan-Iraq).
The quantitative review will be significant for identification of key factors and building areas of interest that will enable the research to accomplish its goals.
Besides a review of the effect of leader ship styles and employee engagement in governmental organizations will be carried out as part of the methodology process, thus allowing the researcher to intermingle with respondents based on the known facts. Sources of data collection will be employees in Ministry of Education in Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), at the central office of Ministry in Erbil city
Data collection
For this study both primary and secondary data will be used. The primary aims for choosing the quantitative approach research strategy relates to the nature of case study, the simplicity of conducting this and the quantitative nature of this inquiry.
The primary data collection methods will include face-to-face interviews with education leaders and key informants in the government organization. In this case, a structured questionnaire will be used. The survey will comprise a mixture of open and closed ended questions. The questionnaire will be based on the effect of leader ship styles and employee engagement in governmental organizations specifically to the ministry of education. Data collected from this questionnaire and other data collection methods empirical data will be used to provide a complete picture of the studied phenomenon. Besides the data will be used to give the research a more comprehensive image, which means that numerical data have been analyzed.
It is significant to note that the primary data in this are collected from the government sector.
On the other hand the foundation for using secondary data, such as the data collected from peer reviewed journals, periodicals, magazines and government publications, is to allow the respondent to comprehend the outcomes of the study (Kissing & Harvey, 2005). Besides it will help to the development of contextual evidence needed by this research in order to build productively on the aspects of this thesis. Lastly the secondary sources will inform the research of the known status based on the literature reviewed.
Qualitative and quantitative approach
A qualitative and quantitative approach based on an examination of the Ministry of Education in particular is expected to allow the researcher to focus on the specific area within the research field and thus contribute to the overall validity of the results obtained. Due to the situation of the researcher potentially being in a different country far away from the participants, the process of distributing and collecting questionnaires among participants in target sample may be conducted by a representative chosen by the researcher if required.
Sampling technique
Sampling is necessary for conducting this research because of the number of staffs in the Ministry of education in Erbil. Snowball sampling was deployed in the research with the department and position in the organization used to select prospective participants ("Research Methods in HRM", 2015). The research population is about 500 which make it difficult to engage every individual. The research will use 50 questionnaires .These questionnaires will be divided randomly and then send to the employees at the ministry of education. All employees participating in this research will be required to fill and return the questionnaires for analysis. Each questionnaire contains 24 questions where employees at the ministry of education are supposed to answer all questions. The interviews and questionnaires will be used to collet primary data. One of the methods that will be used to sample the correspondent is the snow ball sampling technique ("Research Methods in HRM", 2015). This method will be used to identify vital informants as it is perceived that it is difficult to conduct interviews with all employees at the ministry. The sample population will involve leaders, managers, and supervisors at the ministry level. This made it imperious for samples to be used in a manner in which every group within the ministry is represented. The number of participants must reflect the various opinion and distributions across the Ministry. The contact was done personally based on convenience sampling; the relationship the researcher had with the Ministry of education.
Therefore the reasons for choosing this population sample relates to the researcher's intention to help the administrative management in the Ministry diagnose and choose the most suitable style of leadership by drawing on the views of its employees, and secondly, to contribute to academic knowledge in this area (Geringer, Frayne, & Milliman, 2002).
Method of analysis
For the qualitative data used in this study similar statistical trends will be noted (Geringer, Frayne, & Milliman, 2002). On the other hand, the descriptive statistic will be used to help in organizing and summarizing data and findings for this project. Furthermore the research will use Mean and Standard deviation for analysis of data to determine the distribution of the data.
The research will use excel and SPSS software for analysis. The research will use tables, graphs and other methods to summarize data. This methods will assist the researcher to make conclusion about the findings.
Reliability, validity and Ethical consideration
For the research to be accepted, there is need to ensure that the research is reliable and valid ("Research Methods in HRM", 2015). To ensure reliability as small pilot survey will be carried out in the ministry of education with a sample survey of 35 employees across different department where the research will be conducted to eliminate possible areas of problems in the questionnaire. On the other hand validity is the degree at which the research will measure the outcomes expected in this research ("Research Methods in HRM", 2015).
The research should also conform to ethical considerations of scientific research (Kissing & Harvey, 2005). Therefore, all the 50 respondents from the Ministry of Education Erbil city, and from different departments will be informed. Besides, different levels questionnaires representing a sample population will be send and distributed amongst employees of the studied organization. The inclusion criteria and condition for study participation were: employees working in the Ministry of Higher Education main building in Erbil, able to read and write Kurdish or English and who can answer questionnaires individually. The reason behind the conditions was to target those people directly associated with the types of leadership style adopted by the studied sample and to ensure that participants hold enough information (experience) about the dominant management style of the selected organization. The research design will identify the method of data collection with the intention to analyze the effect of different leadership styles on employee engagement in governmental organizations
Geringer, J., Frayne, C., & Milliman, J. (2002). In search of? Best practices? In international human resource management: research design and methodology. Human Resource Management, 41(1), 5-30.
Kissing, T. & Harvey, M. (2005). Strategic global human resource management research in the twenty-first century: an endorsement of the mixed-method research methodology. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 16(1), 22-45.
Research Methods in HRM. (2015). Human Resource Management, 54(1), no-no.
Vestal, K. (2012). Which Matters: Employee Satisfaction or Employee Engagement? Nurse Leader, 10(6), 10-11.
Welbourne, T. (2007). Employee engagement: Beyond the fad and into the executive suite. Leader To Leader, 2007(44), 45-51.