Mid Term Integration Paper
Mid Term Integration Paper
Question 1
The book of Robbins (2011) explored the most successful culture – capitalism. The author presented historical, anthropological, and economic framework of capitalism origins thus explaining problems caused by globalization. Robbins (2011) succeeded to attract attention to global problems caused by expansion of capitalism and explained why capitalism generated resistance.
Robbins (2011) stated that embryo of capitalism as a distinctive culture emerged five to six centuries ago in Western Europe. Core concepts of capitalism culture are rooted in the statement that commodity consumption is the source of well-being. Further, this idea was developed in the United States and finally spread all over the world creating world system.
There were several factors in human history that contributed to the development of capitalism in the world. The first wave of capitalism development started a little bit less than ten thousand years ago when people lived by gathering and hunting. In some areas of the world people started to plant crops and raise animals themselves instead of waiting until crops and animals grow because of increasing population density. Further, four to five hundred years ago people realized that they could exchange surplus of outcomes of their labor for the outcomes of labor of other people thus making up for a deficiency in something they did not have till emergence of the concept of money – one of key concepts in the capitalism culture. Certain societies such as Mayan, Greek, Rome, and Islamic civilizations developed faster than other societies at different times. People of different societies started to communicate, exchange experiences, and travel. Differences in cultural and societal development lead to domination by one nation over other nations. A concept of international trade had emerged together with the class of merchants who sold domestically produced items to people from other countries. Also, nations settled in different areas of the world and had different amount natural resources at their disposal that influenced further development of capitalistic relations in societies. However, these were primary attempts to develop economic expansion. Forming of capitalism as it can be observed in the contemporary world started in 15th century.
As it was mentioned above, certain nations had large deposits of raw materials necessary for the development of industrialization. The most important deposits of raw materials were coal and iron ore that were abundant in Western Europe. Great Britain is usually exemplified as the country of origin of industrialization. The access to raw materials and means of production was limited meaning that some people were able to generate profits from this privilege while other people were forced to sell their mental and physical abilities working in the factories not to die from hunger. Thus, the society was divided into the classes of
As Great Britain succeeded to develop industrialized society which other countries were not able to develop, it started to control trade routes and strategic influential points. Thus, the first colonies in India and Africa appeared in 17th century. Thus, the country started to trade commodities such as sugar, tobacco, and slaves - labor force that was identified by certain economists as the driving force for economic development. International trade generated profits that were the source of capital accumulation adding power to the state of Great Britain. Similar processes could be observed in other societies of Western Europe such as France. The development of industrialization and trade conditioned the development of financial institutions which later served as facilities to invest industrial projects. Contemporary interpretation of capitalist economy includes market exchange, monetary system for producing bank-credit money, and private enterprise production of commodities.
According to Robbins (2011), there were eras of merchants, industrialists, and capital controller during the long period accompanied forming capitalism culture.
The factors that contributed to the development of capitalism are crucial because they formed the most powerful economic system in the world called capitalism.
In his book Robbins (2011) stated the following:
Contemporary sandpainters [curers representing universe model using colored sand in Navajo culture], who include marketing specialists, advertisers, government agents, corporate public relations specialists, entertainers, and journalistscreate a vision of the world designed to maximize the production and consumption of goods. They have helped to create a culture in which the prime elements are commodities, and in which the consumer’s first duty is to buy (14).
Thus, based on Global Problems and the Culture of Capitalism two key elements of capitalism culture can be identified: commodities are primary elements of economic development and consumers are encouraged to buy on continuous basis.
Question 2
Robbins (2011) describes capitalism as follows:
The culture of capitalism is devoted to encouraging the production and sale of commodities. For capitalists, the culture encourages the accumulation of profit; for laborers, it encourages the accumulation of wages; for consumers, it encourages the accumulation of goods. In other words, capitalism defines sets of people who, behaving according to a set of learned rules, act as they must act (13).
Also, he often compares capitalism with sandpainting in Navajo culture considering consumerism as therapeutic activity. Modern people live in continuous stress and they need to relax from time to time to reduce the influence of stress on their lives. However, no one thinks about the origins of this stress. Capitalism society encourages people produce, work, and consume more leading to moral and physical exhaustion. Thus, both stress and healing method were generated by capitalist model of society. On the one hand, living in capitalist society causes much stress. On the other hand, therapeutic effect of consumerism can be considered positive impact of capitalism culture. James B. Twitchell cited in Robbins (2011) argued that “overconsumption does indeed have its dark side, it has its light side as well, that “getting and spending” have been the most passionate, and often the most imaginative, endeavors of modern life” (38). Also, Robbins (2011) considers that people all over the world are drawn closer by consumption-driven lifestyle. In 19th century, majority of people were not able to afford luxury goods. They were able to buy only necessary things like food, clothes, and home appliances while not being able to buy luxury goods which were available to higher class only. In consumerism society the majority of people have an opportunity to spend more on their needs. The idea of appropriate living conditions and availability of large number of items was good. However, people do not think that probably there are no enough natural resources to satisfy growing needs of population becoming denser every day. Consumerism suggested availability of luxury goods to any consumer. In the middle of 19th century when enough goods were produces, luxuries had to be transformed into necessities aiming to transform buying habits. According to Robbins (2011), “In America, this was accomplished largely in four ways: a revolution in marketing and advertising, a restructuring of major societal institutions, a revolution in spiritual and intellectual values, and a reconfiguration of space and class” (16).
Besides, attempts to satisfy growing needs of contemporary world society may lead to environmental disaster. Changing climate as a result of excessive industrialization encouraged by capitalism economic model may cause irreversible processes on the planet. Besides, consumerism culture developed in the US had led to devaluation of traditional values such as beliefs and moral codes. Consumption in capitalism culture is seen as panacea that can help get rid of all troubles.
Also, he often compares capitalism with sandpainting in Navajo culture considering consumerism as therapeutic activity. Modern people live in continuous stress and they need to relax from time to time to reduce the influence of stress on their lives. However, no one thinks about the origins of this stress. Capitalism society encourages people produce, work, and consume more leading to moral and physical exhaustion. Thus, both stress and healing method were generated by capitalist model of society. On the one hand, living in capitalist society causes much stress. On the other hand, therapeutic effect of consumerism can be considered positive impact of capitalism culture. James B. Twitchell cited in Robbins (2011) argued that “overconsumption does indeed have its dark side, it has its light side as well, that “getting and spending” have been the most passionate, and often the most imaginative, endeavors of modern life” (38). Also, Robbins (2011) considers that people all over the world are drawn closer by consumption-driven lifestyle. In 19th century, majority of people were not able to afford luxury goods. They were able to buy only necessary things like food, clothes, and home appliances while not being able to buy luxury goods which were available to higher class only. In consumerism society the majority of people have an opportunity to spend more on their needs. The idea of appropriate living conditions and availability of large number of items was good. However, people do not think that probably there are no enough natural resources to satisfy growing needs of population becoming denser every day. Consumerism suggested availability of luxury goods to any consumer. In the middle of 19th century when enough goods were produces, luxuries had to be transformed into necessities aiming to transform buying habits. According to Robbins (2011), “In America, this was accomplished largely in four ways: a revolution in marketing and advertising, a restructuring of major societal institutions, a revolution in spiritual and intellectual values, and a reconfiguration of space and class” (16).
Besides, attempts to satisfy growing needs of contemporary world society may lead to environmental disaster. Changing climate as a result of excessive industrialization encouraged by capitalism economic model may cause irreversible processes on the planet. Besides, consumerism culture developed in the US had led to devaluation of traditional values such as beliefs and moral codes. Consumption in capitalism culture is seen as panacea that can help get rid of all troubles.
Also, Robbins (2011) considers that people all over the world are drawn closer by consumption-driven lifestyle. In 19th century, majority of people were not able to afford luxury goods. They were able to buy only necessary things like food, clothes, and home appliances while not being able to buy luxury goods which were available to higher class only. In consumerism society the majority of people have an opportunity to spend more on their needs. The idea of appropriate living conditions and availability of large number of items was good. However, people do not think that probably there are no enough natural resources to satisfy growing needs of population becoming denser every day. Consumerism suggested availability of luxury goods to any consumer. In the middle of 19th century when enough goods were produces, luxuries had to be transformed into necessities aiming to transform buying habits. According to Robbins (2011), “In America, this was accomplished largely in four ways: a revolution in marketing and advertising, a restructuring of major societal institutions, a revolution in spiritual and intellectual values, and a reconfiguration of space and class” (16).
Besides, attempts to satisfy growing needs of contemporary world society may lead to environmental disaster. Changing climate as a result of excessive industrialization encouraged by capitalism economic model may cause irreversible processes on the planet. Besides, consumerism culture developed in the US had led to devaluation of traditional values such as beliefs and moral codes. Consumption in capitalism culture is seen as panacea that can help get rid of all troubles. Changing climate as a result of excessive industrialization encouraged by capitalism economic model may cause irreversible processes on the planet. Besides, consumerism culture developed in the US had led to devaluation of traditional values such as beliefs and moral codes. Consumption in capitalism culture is seen as panacea that can help get rid of all troubles.
Robbins, R. H. (2011). Global problems and the culture of capitalism. 5th ed. New Jersey: Pearson.