I agree with the assertions made in the 60 minute video. It is true that the expectations of the millennials are different in that they expect clear career progression paths, flexible working hours and most importantly want to progress within the shortest time possible. Since they have a clear definition of what they consider a dream job, they are willing to change jobs as many times as possible to achieve this and it falls upon employers to try to attract and maintain them in the workforce. I have dealt with such employees with this particular mindset and they required a reevaluation of the policies of the organization to accommodate them
That answers to questions about organizational communication are highly situated and perishable means that organizations have to deal with each situation as it warrants to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in the communication process. This implies that within current organizations, there should be no set rules or policies to be followed for communication in the organization since using such set policies and procedures of communication could result in miscommunication. This is because each situation should be evaluated to ensure that the best method of communication is applied.
The definition of a real job has changed in that the expectations of the employee from a job have changed significantly. Traditionally, employees viewed a job as a source of income for a long duration, possibly throughout their productive life. The goals to be achieved from a job were long term. This has changed in that a real job is defined differently; it is viewed as an idealist state where an individual expects to achieve particular objectives within a short time. Once such are achieved, the employee changes expectations and seeks a higher goal in a new job.
Mike Rowe’s speech makes an important point; that what is viewed as the best course of action may not actually be the most efficient. I agree what he suggests, that those jobs that are unique and may seem unattractive may actually have the best returns. In his speech, I realized that it is important to have an open mindset regarding employment issues and be open to the ideas of others since there is a probability that they may have great ideas with very huge opportunities and high returns. Each proposal by an individual should not be discarded but rather evaluated on merit since it may result in better returns.