Biotechnology refers to a group of technologies that share two common characteristics namely, having a wide range of practical uses to improve human lives and working with cells and their molecules. A more detailed definition refers to biotechnology as the technical use of living creatures on the molecular or cellular level to obtain beneficial results. Traditionally biotechnology has been used in the commercial production of bread, brewing alcoholic beverages, as well as in the breeding of domestic animals and food crops. In many cases, biotechnology leads to development of numerous industries-forensics, pharmaceuticals, medicine, textile industries among others. Biotechnology also addresses diseases and other shortcomings in animals and plants resulting in high yields and betterment of economies. The issue of concern or problems with biotechnology largely concern health implications in human beings and the environment which counter economic progress. There have been rapid developments in technology and biotechnology has had a revolution as evidenced by issues such as development of genetically modified foods (GM foods) or genetic engineering.
Biotechnology in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of those countries that have invested heavily in biotechnology to among other things secure its food security and boost its economy. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) Ministry of Economy and planning through the King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology conducted a study titled “Strategic Priorities for Biotechnology program”. The kingdom noted that biotechnology has had positive impacts on the world economies. In Saudi Arabia, biotechnology has been applied in medicine, the environment and in agriculture. Biotechnology is seen as a critical anchor of economies by supporting the growth of industries. It is used in research and in commercial applications. Although the biotechnology market is still in its infancy in Saudi Arabia it has shown significant economic benefits in the development of medical products such as insulin, interferon, vaccines and heparins to the rest of the world.
Biotechnology is a multifaceted issue that calls for different institutions to work together. In Saudi Arabia, the ministry of Agriculture, King Saud University, King Khalid University and the King Fahad Medical city have collaborated to promote biotechnology. Collaborations enhance the sharing of ideas and improve the quality if research to ensure that it addresses the health and socio-economic needs of the people and the country.
Biotechnology in medicine
The biotechnology industry is inspiring the development of places that primarily serve as centres of such technologies. For instance, a section of the city of Jeddah is set out to be turned into a “Bio city” in the future. The development of such a city is likely to influence the growth of support industries and spur economic growth. Saudi Arabia has already shown that numerous industries can develop from biotechnology. In medicine there are numerous centres for research on inherited diseases as well as early diagnosis of diseases thereby reducing overall expenditures on healthcare. Besides medicine, the field of forensic science is benefiting from biotechnology through better DNA fingerprint analysis which helps to fight crime better, improve security and therefore promote economic growth by assuring investors of conducive environments. Biotechnology also inspires development of pharmaceuticals and other related products.
Biotechnology and economic impacts in agriculture and food industry
Biotechnology industry has contributed massively to food security across the world much to the betterment of many economies. In 2003, 67.7 million hectares were under transgenic crops or crops developed from biotechnologies. The figure was a huge rise from the 2.8 million hectares that were under such crops in 1996. Since 1996 to 2009, it is estimated that farmers have obtained $44 billion directly from farming biotechnology-developed crops. These crops have helped to meet the global demand for food and thereby supported the development of economies. In addition, biotechnology has helped in the elimination of certain plant and animal diseases. Farmers in the US spend approximately $17 billion on animal health and this budget has gone lower following the elimination of diseases such as hog cholera and pests such as screwworms that cause massive economic losses.
In Saudi Arabia biotechnology has been effective in solving plant and animal diseases which helps to increase yields and economic output. Biotechnology has been applied to save thousands of date palms in the Eastern Province where more than 400 cultivars are now in existence with more than 60 of them being highly suitable for commercial production. 6 laboratories are currently being run by the ministry of agriculture to support the development of high-yielding and drought resistant varieties of wheat and vegetables. The more the local Saudi researchers are able to come up with better crop and animal varieties the more they stand to attract foreign direct investment in agriculture and related processing industries. This eventually translates to more jobs for the people and taxes for the government. A vibrant biotechnology sector attracts lower costs and more incentives from the government thereby leading to more productivity and economic growth.
Biotechnology crops also help to stabilize the world economy by reducing green house gas emissions. The technologies use less fuel and offer more plant cover for the absorption of carbon thereby reducing the amount of pollutant carbon in the atmosphere. For instance, in 2007 biotechnology crops are estimated to have removed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere that would have been produced by 6.3 million cars annually. Crops produced through biotechnology or genetic engineering also tend to be pest and disease resistant therefore calling for less use of aerosols, sprays and other farm inputs. There is the direct economic benefit of increasing the profit margins of the farmers and farming communities and also the indirect economic benefits of a productive and well conserved environment. Estimates show that between 1996 and 2007 biotechnology crops reduced the usage of pesticides by 359 million kg. The overall environmental impact associated with insecticides and herbicides was reduced by 17%. In 2007, if 75% of all French farmers were to grow genetically modified oilseed rape, they would have saved €24 million in inputs used to control pests and the country would have obtained €38 million from such a move. All these benefits of biotechnology in agriculture have massive economic benefits to the global economy.
Genetically engineered foods have faced a lot of controversy following claims that they have potential to harm human health. The controversies have had negative economic impacts by slowing down the absorption of the technologies. In some cases, in third world countries, there have been food insecurities which have cost the government massively. The people have refused or become sceptical to foods produced through biotechnological interventions. The issues have necessitated massive government funding of researches that are expensive and this has led to economic losses. It is also difficult to transfer some biotechnologies due to economic, security and political reasons.
In all, different countries have enjoyed different economic benefits from biotechnology or genetically engineered crops. The table below shows the monetary benefits of some countries.
The table shoes that the US enjoys the highest economic benefits from biotechnology with the table showing that numerous other countries from different regions around the world also enjoy significant economic benefits.
There is still plenty of controversy on all the alleged health fears of biotechnology in food. Biotechnology is beneficial and highly welcomed in the health industry in the development of pharmaceuticals and procedures of treatment as well as in the forensics industries. In all these and other related fields it stands to inspire many industries and unparalleled economic growth for countries such as Saudi Arabia which have invested heavily in the technologies. However, it is in the controversial food industry that biotechnology has had the most benefits for many countries around the world. The US which has adopted the most use of biotechnology has reaped the most economic benefits by producing high quantities of soy bean, wheat and corn that feeds its huge population and sells to the world. In addition, countries in the arid regions such as Saudi Arabia are also reaping the benefits of biotechnology by increasing their arable land and the economic benefits from biotechnology.