Contemporary (modern) slavery is an international crime that affects millions of people around the globe. The slavery involves present day slavery whereby women are forced into prostitution, child labor still occurs, and some families work for generational debts hence no pay. Illegal practices like small girls compelled to marry old men still exist. The researchers estimate around 21 to 36 millions of people still engaged in some form of slavery. The contemporary practice of slavery quite hidden from the public makes it much difficult for the slaves to ask for help (Bales, Kevin, 21). The enslaved are either in forced labor, bonded labor, forced marriage, prostitution, decent slavery or trafficking.
The poor in most countries make up the population of slaves around the world. Nations in South America, Asia and West Africa, are most hit by the modern slavery. The people in slavery mostly consist of women and children and a few men. The rate of current slavery increases daily as the causes of slavery become more prevalent. The primary causes of slavery include overpopulation, discrimination, corruption and migration (Julia, O'Connell, 230). Population growth in most developing countries is faster than the economic growth hence leaving most people economically at risk. The unfortunate population borrows money from ruthless individuals who enslave them to pay off the debts. Most law enforcements in the global governments allow the slavery activities to continue unpunished due to corruption. Social discrimination regarding race, age or gender, leads to economic vulnerability of individuals who later find themselves in slavery. A large number of people get into slavery by migration offers of virtual promising jobs.
Slaves are quite cheap and disposable. The practice is curable and stoppable if the majority of the people concern themselves with the movement of freeing slaves. The whole process is easy since slavery on a global note is unjust and illegal. The prominent solution to save the bonded is to take action to free them. The action involves spreading the voice of help to other people, make the abolition possible by contacting the relevant government officials and letting them know and volunteering to work with the movements working towards the freedom agenda. The other way of helping solve the problem would be via monetary support to assist the activities of the slave freedom movements.
Work cited
Bales, Kevin. New Slavery: A Reference Handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, 2005. Internet resource.
Julia, O'Connell D. Modern Slavery. Basingstoke, ZULU: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. Print.