Avatar is a film story written and directed by David Cameron. The story is about a paraplegic marine known as Jake Sully who goes on a mission to the moon after his brother is killed in a robbery. He is taken to a new world to a new world of the Pandora. It is there that he learns of the greedy capitalist corporate in the name of Selfridge parker who was planning to terminate the Na’vi people of Pandora.
His main greedy mission is to mine the precious minerals scattered in the woodland. The corporate billionaire decides to fix Jake with a surgery that will return legs. In exchange, Jake was to lead a military unit that will displace the Na’vi people disguising himself as an avatar. It is at this juncture that he develops a bond with the people and this was far enhanced by his love for the beautiful alien Neytiri. His mission is so much delayed that the colonel moves forward with his mission of terminating the people. It is at this point that Jade takes a stand to fight back for the people that he now considers his people (Anderson, 1978).
The epic of morality is tested in the movie when Jade who was supposedly expected to repay the kindness shown to him as a return for the surgery decides to take a stand against his boss’ order and takes a stand to defend the people for his love for Neytiri. He is thus on a moral dilemma between following his orders and protecting the world he feels is his new home.
This was the epitome of morality (Passarella, 2001). Jade decided to protect humanity against capitalistic ventures that seeked to destroy human life at the expense of profit. Thus, the ruthless colonel was subdued and the people of Pandora had a peaceful natural life. It is morally accepted that one should return kindness back to the people who have assimilated him in a foreign land.
Cameron, J., Landau, J., Fiore, M., Wilson, C., Kalogridis, L., Worthington, S., Saldana, Z, Light storm Entertainment (Firm). (2010). Avatar. Beverly Hills, CA: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.
Anderson, P. (1978). The avatar.
Avatar Incorporated, & Eighty Wooster Press. (1968). Avatar.
Passarella, J. (2001). Avatar. New York: Pocket.
Perry, S. (2001). Avatar. New York: Pocket.