Which multi-user database will be capable of handling the needs of Centre for Disease Control (CDC)?
Databases are very important and essential in any organization. They help a company or an institution to maintain their records in a more organized form. SQL database system is very useful in managing and maintaining the records about a particular event of institution. Center for Disease Control (CDC) has a very elaborate and an all inclusive database management system that handled data and information pertaining to millions of disease causing organisms and their remedies. The company needs a very strong multi-user database system that can be able to handle the new disease species that are being discovered and also be able to handle the numerous research operations conducted by researchers in the attempt to get cures for the variety of diseases.
The discovery of new disease species and their control has propagated the Center for disease control to opt for the implementation of a multi-user database system that can handle the dynamic data being handled by the organization. The dynamic nature of the data being handled by the organization and the need to have a robust and flexible database system propagated my interest towards carrying out this research so as to determine how the organization can venture into having a good multi-user database system which can handle all the data used by the company.
SQL database management is one of the most commonly used types of database languages in use today. Very many companies have implemented the use of this querying language for handling their database. However, there are some shortcomings that come with this type of database management system. Most of the existing versions of SQL consider one user as to possess both the rights of owning the database and being able to query the database. There is need to have some improvements to the database so that users can be able to access them simultaneously without any hitch. The CDC for instance handles a large amount of data in their system which needs to be constantly updated all the time. This paper also covers some of the security measures that need to be taken by the implementing companies so as to ensure that the security of the data that they are handling is always given a priority. Some of the companies in the past were using encryption algorithms so s to protect their data. However, this approach proved to be useful but could not allow for the simultaneous access of data. It is therefore recommended that cloud computing be used alongside encryption algorithms so as to protect the data from any kind of unauthorized access and also at the same time allowing users to simultaneously access data from different sources. This Therefore the company has to implement the use of an elaborate SQL system that accepts multiuser inputs and allowing for routinely updating of the system by different researchers situated at different places in the field (Lipmaa, 2005).
SQL is an acronym for Structured Query Language and allows the users to access manipulate databases. The SQL is mainly designed for managing data in the relational database management system. The SQL was originally based on the relational algebra and tuple relational calculus. It mainly includes inserting, querying, modification and updating data in a database. SQL is also used for restricting access control to some particular kind of data in a database. SQL was one of the first commercialized languages dealing with relational models. This is described by Edgar F. Codd in his influential paper of the 1970s about the commercialization of the SQL. SQL was developed in the early 1970s by Donald Chamberlin. The software has undergone a series of modifications since then with increased functionalities.
The company uses some databases that do not allow for the simultaneous entry of data into the system by different researchers. A multiuser database allows for simultaneous record entry by more than one person into the system. The company is in the process of determining which multiuser database that it can use so as to allow for simultaneous update of the database by various field researchers. In order for the company to be able to perform its activities efficiently it needs to implement the use of a multiuser database that can be able to handle all the requirements of its activities without a hitch. This study is mainly aimed at finding a solution to which of multiuser databases is best suited for the organization.
Database management systems are very vital for any organization. Before venturing into the choice of any database management system, the company should first carry out a thorough analysis of the database being opted for, its capabilities and the requirements of the company. This will help the company to make the most appropriate decision and ensure that the best database management system is chosen. There is a lot of research that has been done on this particular topic that shows the importance of using the multiuser database for managing the database of various organizations and institutions. According to Yang (2008), searchable encryption schemes usually allow users to perform searches on some encrypted database. Most of such schemes only consider a scenario whereby a single user acts as both the owner of the data and the person querying the data. However, it can be realized that in practice, most of the databases do not serve just a single but instead offer support to search and write operations to a variety of users simultaneously. This part is dedicated towards exploring the use of searchable encryption in a multi-user setting.
Song et al (2000) on the other hand considers the search across the encrypted keywords from a linear perspective. The approaches which are proposed by the author improve the search efficiency and also reducing the overall cost of implementing the research. The approach also provided by Song play very crucial role towards establishing a dynamic database that can be easily accessed and updated in a timely manner. Some of the proposals presented by Song analyze the use of the searchable encryption using the multiuser approach which can enable simultaneous access and updating of a database by a number of users.
According to Son, Young and Beckinger (2011), Cloud computing has been used in order to offer the capabilities of the multiuser database at attractive and affordable costs. This approach is good though it is faced with a major challenge of protecting the confidentiality of data and the mode of accessing data. CDC cannot implement the use of cloud computing to unencrypted data as the security of such sensitive data like the medical records can be put in jeopardy. The current computing system does not offer a robust scheme that can ensure that data is properly protected from any kind of attack. It is therefore necessary for the company to devise better ways of handling the sensitive data without revealing it to the cloud server. They further add that transactions in real time should also be scheduled in a way that considers both the consistency of data and the constraints involved in timing. This will help in ensuring that the multiuser data access is achieved and that none of the data is leaked to third parties.
The presence of the existence of different sources that had very important information related to the field of database and the need for having a multiuser database by CDC prompted the research. Most of the existing literature is mainly based on the single user databases. However, with the introduction of cloud computing which is a new technology, various companies wishing to have an elaborate database management system that can handle large amounts of data from different sources can be able to handle them effectively. The cloud computing is however not very safe for storing confidential data. It should therefore be used alongside other encrypting algorithms so as to ensure that data is not leaked to the cloud server that could otherwise jeopardize the safety of the data stored.
Findings/tour contributions
Some of the problems that this paper is addressing is the shift from the use of the olden database methods that could not be able to allow for the simultaneous access of data. This paper also covers some of the security measures that need to be taken by the implementing companies so as to ensure that the security of the data that they are handling is always given a priority. Some of the companies in the past were using encryption algorithms so s to protect their data. However, this approach proved to be useful but could not allow for the simultaneous access of data. It is therefore recommended that cloud computing be used alongside encryption algorithms so as to protect the data from any kind of unauthorized access and also at the same time allowing users to simultaneously access data from different sources. This has helped the researchers of CDC to constantly update their database whenever there is any new information that needs to be relayed to the database. This solution has actually proved to be very useful and effectively as it sufficiently addresses all the problems related to data access and data security from different sources.
SQL is a very good database management system. However, data security and access needs to be taken into consideration when implementing the use of any kind of a database. Various encryption software exist that can be used to ensure data security. The companies involved in database management should also strive at ensuring that that data access is properly enhanced. Access control can be implemented through using the cloud computing technology while security can be improved through using the encryption algorithms.
1. Abdalla, M., Bellare, M., Catalano,D., Kiltz, E., Kohno, T., Lange,T., Lee, J., Neven, G., Paillier, P. and Shi,H. (2005) `Searchable encryption revisite: consistency properties, ration to anonymous IBE, and extensions', Crypto'05, LNCS 3621, pp. 205-222.
2. Beaulieu, Alan (April 2009). Mary E Treseler. ed. Learning SQL (2nd ed.). Sebastapol, CA, USA: O'Reilly.
3. Lipmaa, H. (2005) `An oblivious transfer protocol with log- squared communication', Information Security Conference, ISC'05, LNCS 3650, pp. 314-328.
4. Son, S.H.; Young-Kuk Kim; Beckinger, R.C. (2011) Enforcing Multi-user Access Policies to Encrypted Cloud Databases: Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks (POLICY), 2011 IEEE International Symposium.