Music is food for soul, a statement that clearly defines the importance of music in our lives. People with different tastes listen to different types of music to clear their head or just to give their minds a little time out. The rhythm beats and the lyrics, altogether, can inspire, encourage, and help the listener in the best of ways. However, are these effects of music always positive? Profanity and vulgar language in music has become not only an open concept but common too. This essay attempts to explain that obscenity in music negatively affects one’s mind and personality. It will also discuss the modern music scenario and its impact on the listeners.
A few years back, even though the music industry had become commercial, the hit singles on the charts inspired the audience. Taking the pop/rock genre as an example, songs such as “We Are the Champion” by Queens and “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey had lyrics that encouraged the listener in a positive manner. Nevertheless, is it so today? The modern popular music has become mostly trashy and meaningless . The use of swear words and sexual concepts is becoming increasingly common. Be it L’il Wayne or Rihanna, Akon or Lady Gaga, the content is mostly vulgar. Such lyrics have not only evolved the music industry but also have shifted the taste of music listeners as well. The spirit of good lyrics that can deliver a positive message across the audience has suddenly become rare or rather has gone forever. Here is an example of such lyrics in a latest song by Lady Gaga: “This drink is my last one, I know that I f***** up again because I lost my only friend” The adolescents and teenagers are the most affected among such audience . Most of the modern singers have a young fan following. They have different fan cults with names that distinguish them. Such fan clubs of modern singers have a variety of fans. They may include adolescents, adults, and even old age people too. However, mostly the fan following consists of young children or teenagers. When these young people listen to music with profanity in it, they unconsciously develop a taste for obscenity. Pop stars such as Miley Cyrus have a huge following of teenage girls and with Miley’s morally wrong music videos, these young girls become prone to immoral actions and thoughts. Studies suggest that such language, may it be in a song or generally spoken, can affect one’s personality in a self-destructing manner . Be it country music, rock or pop, it has been observed many times that people who listen to music get affected by the lyrics majorly. The message or the meaning of such lyrics can affect the way they behave and act. In case of youth, adolescents adopt these immoral values as a trend in an attempt to fit in the modern crowd. Such lyrics trigger negative emotions inside our minds and make us express our feelings in a socially unacceptable manner. It makes the audience believe that if the singer can make a song about it, then it is okay to act the same very as well.
The current music scene has not only lost the meaning, but it also lacks the very essence to be actually called music. The use of vulgarity does not make a song more inspirational; in fact, it corrupts the minds of the listeners. Because of these reasons, music is not only damaging the social values but is also destructing the personalities of people.
Adrian North, David Hargreaves. The Social and Applied Psychology of Music. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.
Harris M. Berger, Michael Thomas Carroll. Global Pop, Local Language. Mississippi: Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2003.
Osgerby, Bill. Youth Media. London: Routledge, 2004.