For individuals having aptitude in music it is extremely important to define a specialization field. Specialization chosen by a musician or musically talented individual should correspond to psychodynamic peculiarities of individual’s character and temperament. Qualities of temperament which are good for one kind of musical style may prove hardly suitable for other kind. The most important moments in musician’s choice of exact specialization can occur not in musical abilities but in purely psychological indicators like level of neuroticism, introversion and extroversion of personality, dextrocerebral or sinistrocerebral domination of consciousness. The following types of specialization of creative professions like teacher of music, concert performer, choir or orchestra artist, composer, maestro di cappella, music expert demand realization of different psychological qualities. However, due attention is not paid to these important facts. So taking into consideration the importance of theoretical background we have translated our knowledge in this field into practical test being guided by principles of representation validity. Therefore, in order to understand the peculiarities of own temperament and personal perception of music we have developed a special music aptitude test containing a series of questionnaires which actively help bring to light the personal reactions of an individual in different situations. This music aptitude test is not difficult in processing and not cumbersome in volume can substantially ease the problem of professional identity of a young musician or a musically talented individual helping him to find the necessary social niche which will be mostly comfortable for further creative work. If budget committee has questions on the details of the test, we are pleased to present some test sections which will determine the level of neuroticism and introversion/extroversion factor. People with high level of neuroticism are characterized as quick-tempered, nervous, sensitive and restless; on the other hand people with low neuroticism level are balanced, calm and have high self-esteem. Extroverts and introverts are representing individual qualities like two sides of a coin and are distinguished by their attitude to outer world. Extroverts are too impulsive, inclined to hasty measures while introverts prefer to meditate over reality, look inward and are inclined to being lonely. Combination of introversion with high level of neuroticism gives us musicians who can hardly communicate with other people. For these individuals we recommend creative research works – theoretical music expertise, composing, job of a music editor. Extroverts with low level of neuroticism appear to be perfect organizers, concert performers, bandmaster etc. There may be many combinations which can be very well outlined and analyzed through our music aptitude test. Recommendations given after testing can help an individual to make the right choice on his creative path. Offered test is aimed at revelation of aptitudes to certain kinds of music activities. It is evident that personal qualities essential for a concert singer can be unnecessary for music teacher or composer and vice versa. Since our test is aimed to measure certain criteria, we estimated though our questionnaire that music aptitude test appears to be a good measure of personal qualities of people relating to music sphere, which allowed us to gather substantial materials proving high face validity of the test. A number of tests in music collages have been carried out and we found out that main personal qualities for violin, viola and cello players appeared to be introversion, shyness and self-confidence. Students studying the brass winds seem to show tendency for conformism, sluggishness and conservatism in habits and views. Piano players can be characterized by extroversion, stamina and ability to meet social demands. Music aptitude test checks also the level of alertness. The higher is the level of alertness the lower is satisfaction with life and society. When level of alertness is high a musician can encounter problems with rhythmic issues. High alertness is connected with high emotionalism which prevents from balanced creative work in field of composing, teaching and playing instruments. Overall test design shows strong experimental validity of our scientific studies since we understand that fundamental part of the test is an essential part of our presented work because valid conclusions cannot be drawn without valid test design, proper scientific method and research ethics. Aforementioned allows us to say that whatever the aptitudes given to a musician by birth, he should, like every individual striving to achieve self realization, make efforts to overcome inner and outer barriers. Not infrequently, trying to obtain virtues, an individual has no intention to give up drawbacks which have become part of his personality. The first step in upbringing of qualities necessary for a good musician consists in realization of personal maturity level possessing strong-will and stamina. Our test will help to discover these qualities and show the proper way. The test will help musicians to deeply penetrate in peculiarities of own character and ease the hard choice of professional self-identity, getting to know the strong and weak sides of personality. Therefore we can with high probability say that our test will suit the budget committee which will select this test for its further fruitful application in music collages and schools.
Cutietta, R.A. (1991). Edwin Gordon’ impact on the field of music aptitude. The Quarterly, 2 (1-2), pp.73-77. Reprinted with permission in Visions of Research in Music Education 16(2). Print.
Fitch, W.T. (2006). The biology and evolution of music: a comparative perspective, Cognition, vol.100, no. 1, pp. 173-215. Print.