Most people whether they are adults or not use creativity and imagination to bring their thoughts to life. They do not have to be artist or sculptors, but rather just have a general idea. It all begins with an idea, a creativity in their own minds. The problem is that lots of people see things through a narrow scope and are not able to expand on their true feelings. Their ideas cannot take its true form, nor can their thoughts expand. When I first started the English 2200 course I was one of those narrow minded people who needed to seek other avenues to explore my own imagination and creativity level.
There are ways in which both creativity and imagination relate to one another and in some circumstances have to deal with depending on each other. According to one source when discussing imagination “people use the word to refer to creativity in general people use the word to refer to mental imagery of some kind” Davies, 2012). I can and have imagined myself doing the impossible and I make it possible because I first started by imagining it and then taking things to the next level of getting it accomplished. Based on research “Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality.” (Naiman, 2015). I am more able to focus on what I can do and take it a step further to bring my creation to fruition.
This course has amplified my view and knowledge of both imagination and creativity. I know I would not have comprehended specific insight as to what I can achieve without taking this course. Comprehending my future goals in life and what I want to accomplish as far as my major and future work is concerned. I know now I can use my creativity and imagination to make things possible for myself to achieve my future missions.
Work Cited
Davies, Jim. (2012, July). What Imagination Is: Creativity or mental images? Psychology Today.
The Science of Imagination. Accessed 4/20/2016 from <https://www.psychologytoday
.com /blog/the-science-imagination/201207/what-imagination-is-0>
Naiman, Linda. (2015).What is Creativity. Creativity At Work. 1-6. Accessed 4/20/2016 from